
It seems like the racist New York Times is also blaming the Wu-Flu outbreak on “Chinese Culture”:

The CDC’s budget is greater now than under the previous administration:

She is not really a “conservative” in any way, she just likes talking about how she has guns.

Exactly, Biden is barely coherent now. Imagine what he will be like by nomination or election time.

We Sanders supporters like Sanders because we want to try the awesomeness of Socialism! We know it is a system that has failed to work 100 times in a row, but this time, we were going to get it right!

Why would you support someone who lies about ethnicity and hurts people of color?

“Bad guys” vs. “Good Guys”...LOL, what an infantile view of the world. All people basically want the same things, for everyone to have health and happiness and to live their best lives. The only difference between us is that we have different ideas on the best path to get there.

The amusing part is, the entire reason there are separate men’s and women’s bathrooms was due to the women’s rights movement. Society bent to the will of feminists and created women only bathrooms because they demanded it in the late 19th century. Now, the left is going insane because of this measure which was meant

It’s why, as things get worse, Trump’s numbers will actually go up for a while. They will keep making excuses for him, even as things start start to really go sour. Then there will be a breaking point, when he does something so horrific and stupid that even they can’t ignore it.

Saying there is too much illegal immigration is “demonizing immigrants”? Please.

As soon as you start calling your enemies Nazis, you lose the argument.

Not one person believes that “racism doesn’t exist”. All humans are racist (in some way) throughout all times in history. Who has ever denied racism exists?

FUCK your father for wishing death on you?

Well, technically the site is being made by “Verily” which is a company owned by Google’s holding company “Alphabet”. Since almost no one knows about those entities, it makes sense that Trump would simply shorten it to use the associated brand name everyone knows...Google.

“ICE people are just... silently hoping” You can read people’s minds? You do understand that you are in a delusional state, projecting your own sick, evil thoughts into other people’s heads?

The “worst part” is that the market recovered a bit? If the “the worst part” was actually a good thing, I guess the whole thing was pretty good, right?

You know Mayor Cheat only got in this race to become a celebrity and make some Benjamins on the punditry circuit. And I don’t want “the first gay president” to be some Str8 acting breeder apologist. Some voters didn’t even know the guy was gay! I want the first gay president to be FLAMING! I nominate this guy:

Can you say “homophobia”?