Don’t forget how Bernie wrote erotic fiction about how women have gang rape fantasies.
Don’t forget how Bernie wrote erotic fiction about how women have gang rape fantasies.
You don’t understand the irony of a guy who never had a real job becoming a multimillionaire and then telling us how evil the system that provided this wealth is? Also, you get taxed on EARNINGS, not wealth you already have. Taxes are meant to keep people from getting wealthy.
You fools complain about “Russians hacking the election”, but you want voting via app. Yeah, ok, people will really trust those results.
Going to a Bernie rally is cool and fun! You can go there, virtue signal, and scream about the evils of capitalism. Who knows, maybe you get some sweet socialist pussy by demonstrating how “woke” you are (“I fully support trans bathroom rights, about those panties...”). Actually voting is kind of boring and…
I know Bernie is a hypocrite. If he believes what he says, he should donate two of his houses and 50% of his salary to poor people.
Communists always conceal their desire for wealth and power in language about “helping people”. They say, “Just give me all wealth and power in the country to do with as I see fit, and then I will make sure to steal from the ‘rich’ and give the money to you!” It never works out that way (please see the Soviet Union,…
Bernie exited of the 2016 race and endorsed Clinton when Clinton bought him a million dollar house. He is probably staying in this race to see what kind of pay-off he can get from the Democrats. Maybe Bloomberg will give him a billion dollars to step aside this time.
I believe you mean “Democrats” hated her, not “Americans” in general.
So, according the the T-Shirt, Nancy Pelosi’s greatest achievement is ripping up Trump’s speech? Ok...
THIS is why we need women in leadership positions. Warren could have handled this!
But she returned the Lobster Ravioli! She should not have been charged!
Plot twist: It was the shitter who purchased it.
I thought you meant corn and wheat were involved!
What about eating salads with a comb? That shows quick thinking and ingenuity!
“Loophole” or “poop hole”? Is there any clause that allows carving a hole into a warmed up cantaloupe?
Your mother could have also had a career without universal childcare. It seems that you want taxpayers to subsidize poor decision making on the part of your parents.
Good thing no poor person has ever been an asshole.
I love you!