The hilarious thing is that they rode into town promising to run the state like a serious business and focus on job growth.
The hilarious thing is that they rode into town promising to run the state like a serious business and focus on job growth.
Davidson county gets a pass because barbecue
Definitely. I always tell people to not leave the big cities because it’s like a different world. I mean, in Carborro there is an openly gay mayor. Carborro is in the same county as a town that basically forced an elementary school teacher to resign for reading a book like “Heather Has Two Mommies.” This county also…
As someone else already pointed out, they think men are gonna go in the bathroom and rape women. Which, if a law against rape doesn’t deter them, why would a statute about what bathroom they can use?
I know. Charlotte is being punished because it shares a state with shit holes like King, NC and Bladenboro, NC who apparently think it’s their duty to make sure no city in the state is actually successful
Fear of “the other” has no ration. Hate is simply hate, and the more you try to understand the opinion of those who wish to strip others of basic human rights the more you realize there is no logic to their beliefs. Only hate and irrational fear.
I feel like the NBA should just go ahead and pull it now instead of waiting to see if they fix this abomination of a law. Then they should tell the state legislators that until this law is removed from the books that North Carolina will never see another NBA related event of any magnitude again. And then just follow…
He sodomized kids. People get life for carrying drugs. That sentence is EXTREMELY lenient.
Our histories are a mess of revisionism and legends, but the privileged position of whites in academia means that we have the luxury of debating those points of contention for hundreds and even thousands of years, with a wealth of resources to draw from, in many cases. Definitely not the same thing as the attempted…
This is what every Southerner thinks about Confederate history taught everywhere but the South.
So, what ... drafted 12th by a desperate team, proves not athletic enough to keep up with NBA starters, fifteen year career averaging like seven minutes a game, mostly in blowouts?
But what if ace is low? WAKE UP AMERICA, THE FIX IS IN!
If this story doesn’t just blow over, all Manning needs to do to quash it is sit down with a friendly reporter and tell his side of the story—the side where he was just just a cocky, jerkoff kid who didn’t understand the way the world really worked (hey, haven’t we all been there?) but through the years and the grace…
Eli was probably on the receiving end of a number of ass-to-face “rough-housing” moments - I now understand his vacant stare.
So the whole problem is rich uppity assholes will get angry when they realize they got ripped off by the Yankees?
Yeah, there's something Shady about all this
The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.
When you've had the kind of drought the Skins have had, there comes a time that even your Cousins start to look pretty good.
People who work outside of the city.