
Actually, Rivera didn't coin himself Riverboat Ron, some random Twitter or Instagram user did when creating the photoshop. The news outlets picked it up and that's when Ron found out and pretty much ignored it. After his daughter told him it was funny, he started to embrace it. He never coined himself anything,

"Our fans are the worst. At least a third of them would rather have Matt Moore than Cam."

Going to Europe

Is this the 'Why Your Team Sucks 2014: Minnesota Vikings' article?

"I can see how men who like to play with hoses could be a distraction."

Vote: Wenger Carbon 17"

Thank God!

Agreed, while overboard, this is quite a valid complaint as the PS4 and the One supposedly offer "next gen" experiences and by this day and age 1080p should be the norm, specially after all that spec touting and bullshit they said before the consoles launched.

Yea TBH I'm not at all mad about this guy suing Sony over this, and I consider myself firmly in the pro-Playstation consumer group.

Companies need to be more honest with their product all around.

Not everyone has the same path in mind while approaching an intersection. Theoretically, all lanes would be filled equally, but you can often find that on a multi-lane highway, either the right- or left-most lane can fill up faster than the other, depending on what's around you. If you need to travel straight through

This is a great plan, but always think of the people behind you! On my route, the one lane splits off to form a left turn and right turn lane on either side. The early brakers are creeping toward the line of cars, all while blocking access to the left turn lane. It's impossible for anyone to make use of the green

I used to believe in this philosophy... Then I kept getting screwed by people going 40 abreast in a 55. So now, when a gap opens up I haul to get pole position at the light, where I finally get to treat the street the way the DoT intended.

This completely relies on the light configurations. It annoys me to no end when I have to sit at a light for four cycles because one person goes two miles per hour to next light a block up and theirs a chain of thirty cars waiting at the first light and only end up with two or three at the next light. You could be

I answered "yes" but I feel that requires some caveats. Yes, my son (6) is allowed to play in our yard alone. But no, he's not allowed to walk around the neighborhood alone yet. Did I walk around my neighborhood when I was his age? Yes. The big difference: My childhood neighborhood had proper sidewalks and crosswalks,

Generally, when I do this, it's because I'm trying to get around some jackass going five or ten under the speed limit that's caused me to miss the last three green lights, and I'm doing out of frustration.

The team has now changed its name to the Cleveland Buyers Club.

Most of this is untrue. Your gen's best quality is not having bias towards others, but you are THE most entitled, misinformed, and self-obessesd people the world has to deal with. Thinking you deserve praise for simply doing your job, pontificating about issues without full knowledge of all it's inter-workings, and

Gen X starts mid 60's. In order to vote for Reagan you'd have to be 18, tell me how you vote for Reagan when you're 15? Let's not forget that Reagan won by a LANDSLIDE his second term. Bush (Elder) had no challenger until Clinton in 90's. In fact, you weren't even alive in the late 70's/early 80's where we had

Your understanding of history, politics and finance is lacking. No, Obama has not accomplished much nor has he fixed much, but he also doesn't have a lot to work with. Republicans have an agenda and that is to make the Democrats look as bad as possible this election. Any bills that pass based on a Democratic agenda