Swimming pools can be unsafe for children. That’s why the AAP has made a statement that swimming pools should have fences around them.
Swimming pools can be unsafe for children. That’s why the AAP has made a statement that swimming pools should have fences around them.
Have you watched a WNBA game? They’re absolutely terrible. I watch women’s softball and volleyball when its on, but there’s no pro leagues. Same for golf. Theres no Tiger Woods of Women’s golf posting the same numbers. If there was a woman that was a prodigy you better believe people would watch her.
Are they for soccer? In both cases, it seems more useful to compare men and women’s salaries as a percentage of revenue rather than flat dollar amount.
Yes, I agree, women who play professional sports should be fairly compensated. And the disparity between losing in the first round of the men’s FIFA World Cup and winning the women’s FIFA World Cup should not be so stark - particularly for an organization wit h so much money running around. HOWEVER, some of the reason…
How much revenue does the women’s team generate relative to the men’s team?
This really made me roll my eyes — I grew up a couple towns over from Colfax and it is not this ominous, hillbilly backwater that the author is making it out to be. Not everyone is on meth, not everyone is armed and looking to prey on solo female hikers. This isn’t deliverance. I get that that isn’t quite the dramatic…
They’re using the movie title. You even point out that you KNOW its the title... And you’re still complaining that Wonder Woman isn’t in big bold letters? Its not like cover read Batman and Superman. It’s literally the title!
Um, she’s in the frickin middle. I think we’re doing good here. *shakes feminist pom pom like a boss*
If the CVS was the only place to get your prescription filled without a multi-hour bus ride, would you feel differently? In my area of Maryland there’s a CVS almost every mile, but from what I’ve read the CVS in West Baltimore was the only drug store in the neighborhood.
I’m going to multi-task and feel bad that the…
It’s incredibly sad that these churches are burning, but it makes me feel a little better knowing that it’s federal agents that investigate church fires instead of local racist cops.
“Church fires also mostly happen on accident”
If you think the FBI isn’t spending a ton of time and money trying to find whoever is burning these churches, you are truly a fucking idiot.
I don’t think I get what you mean by “whiteness”. Are you saying that no one is investigating the burning of black churches? I find that hard to believe.
CVS and QuikTrip pay taxes. Churches do not.
Yeah that’s what makes this article so fucking stupid. It’s almost as if only one crime can be investigated at a time. The writer has no idea what is going into the church arson investigations but that doesn’t stop her from wrongly smearing a lot of good law enforcement personnel in the name of her narrative.
There are 1600 church fires per year, which is 30 per week. Sadly, six probable arsons at black churches in two weeks sounds well within the range of what normally happens in this country. There were probably six arsons at black churches in the two weeks before Charleston. Which is not to say it’s not appalling, or…
As a white person who unfortunatley isn’t in on the whiteness conspiracy and really appreciates your words, arson is arson.
I didn’t realize that the entire federal government had to stop functioning while the black church fires are investigated.
dear god those are some great tits tho