ohwow lol

wow this is a long ass post about a fucking youtuber. chill out pussy

Cory Booker is paid an insane amount of money by Wall Street, more than any other Republican or Democratic senator. The fact that hes somehow the new DNC neolib darling blows my mind. If he gets the nom in 2020, we will get another 4 years of Trump

sanders is more relevant now than ever and is doing much more (at least publicly) to stand against trump than any other senator

weaboo bullshit and fucking dishonored 2. is thsi a troll list

easier said than done

basic rights for everyone is a good thing. But to rural white voters who went to Trump over Clinton, it doesn’t. fucking. matter. They have no jobs. Their economy is in shambles. Clinton didn’t go to Wisconsin once except in April. If you were to ask some rural voter, whos broke with no future prospects, in the

love you ignoring the actual problems of the flawed campaign hillary ran and instead blame ‘white’ people (70% of the electorate btw)

You are mis- remembering - that was Bernie they did that to :)

NO ONE is saying to completely abandon minority concerns and only cater to white people. No one is saying that. What needs to happen is maybe stop using identity politics as a fucking bludgeon against white people, and maybe try and convince people that equality for minority groups actually benefits us all in the

Cory Booker is a fucking idiot. Look, I know he gave some impassioned speech about ‘going high’ that every jezebel shitlicker here just LOVES but actually do some research on Cory Booker and realize how very, very wrong you are.

Funny seeing all the Hillbots in the comments talking shit and blaming her loss on Bernie. You can blame and cry all you want, but the election is over and we all lost. But, look whos been grabbing all this rage and sadness by the fucking balls post election - its Bernie fucking Sanders. Hes out there, now, and

shut up idiot your opinion is bad and wrong

lmao you clinton shills are too much. it doesn’t matter if it wasn’t from her server if it still pertains to the investigation. do you understand that or are you going to plug your ears and spam ‘nothingburger’ all day?

dont like c linton? must be a trumptard!!!

lmao you REALLY pissed off a bunch of fat jezebel cunts ITT

Now playing

its a fucking tragedy ‘im in me mums car’ isnt number one

the people who give a shit about this are just as bad as trump supporters in my mind

that movie was awesome, you have shit taste. sorry bud

shut up whiny furry cunt

i would fucking CRY