ohwow lol


“Until then, I guess it’s nice that Bill Nye will be there.”

gotta love that the march for science, a great idea, is being ruined by hashtagtivists who care mroe about diversity quotas and their own agenda than actually doing something. we deserve trump

so horny right now for destiny on PC

jesus fuck i cant believe people are losing their jobs over such stupid fucking tweets. its just an unfunny joke (haha! women, amirite???) and fucking psychos attacked him for it. what has it come to where he feels pressured to resign because of something so insignificant?

lmao how much of a pussy are you? you are balding arent you?

Calling people sock puppets is NOT ok. Very problematic language. Anyone else love social justice?

i voted bernie then hillary and hate trump with a passion. pewdiepie made a fucking joke, and while i agree in the corporations right to fire him for it its fucking retarded that hes now being labeled an anti-semite which is pure bullshit

I am SOOOOOOOOOOO offended by pewdiepie. So upset right now. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. Repeat after me; this. is. not. normal. Anti semitism is NOT OK. I am like so offended right now. I cant believe pewdiepie did this. I stand with #Disney. Anyone else think Beyonce is queen?

What a civilized response.

Whats your argument again? That anyone to the left of center is a white dude which somehow being white is inherently bad? You listed a bunch of lies and then blamed white people. A classic Jezebel poster - what next, are you going to reply with a sassy Beyonce gif?

Yep, nothing about the DNC needs to be changed whatsoever at all. The Dems are the weakest in decades because of...um...racism! Misogyny! And Republicans being meanies :(

lmao watch out santana! all the PrOuD People of color are going to post sassy beyonce gifs at you!


umm no actually you are the idiot thanks

hmm yes the classic ‘i dont know what to say so i will mock your punctuation’. what an ugly virgin you are

love when people use the word ‘kek’, it confirms they are ugly virgins

‘civilized’ people? you sound like a gay nerd

i voted bernie then hillary lol. doesnt mean i have to support pearl clutching “im SOOOO offended” garbage about a fucking youtuber richer than every commenter on this site combined

wow an oven joke. clearly antisemitic. reported buddy