
If you know anything about Catholicism, this is actually “a step in the right direction”. He is the fucking POPE, the face of Catholicism. He is literally obligated to say that abortions are wrong. And, yet, he is saying they should be forgiven. Ask most stout/old-school Catholics and they would say that is sacrilege

I don’t think we need to thank the Pope, but I do think it’s okay to acknowledge progress - especially when we’re talking about an organization that has been frozen in time.

You’re looking at this as someone from outside the church. For many who are inside, I imagine this feels positive ESPECIALLY since there are still a lot of Catholics who would disagree with the Pope’s stance.

I am not sure why we are supposed to be surprised that Catholics still consider abortion a sin. That is verrrrrry unlikely to change in the near future. So now a Catholic woman who WANTS forgiveness for something she considers a sin doesn’t have to go to a bishop to get it. That is reasonable under the circumstances.

Actually, no. Again, I’m not Catholic, but for women who are, who believe devoutly and have had abortions, this matters. For women and men who believe who want to see the church evolve, this matters.

I grew up in Ireland, where abortion is still illegal due to Catholic bullshit and a constitutional amendment they pushed through right before Ireland decided it didn’t want to be a theocracy any more. I’ll take their opprobrium if it means I don’t have to put up with their legislation.

It’s not offensive but it’s pretty stupid. OF COURSE religious leaders are going to say abortion is a sin. I mean, come on, what are people expecting here? It’s not like Jews or Muslims (funny, there’s never any article about something the great mufti of SA said) are more tolerant about that stuff. Religions are

Baby steps, but at least baby steps in the right direction.

I agree.

I’m not even Catholic, and I find your post kind of offensive...The church is oppressive, but as condesending as the Pope’s announcement may sound to many of us, it IS a tiny step forward for the church institution.