
My burning question is, wtf is this guy pretending to cosplay?

Sounds like a name ón a right wing paint chip

also capes for Bashar al-Assad and right-wing Hindu nationalism.”

I guess if god is going to send a plague you don’t want it to go to waste.

Is her chin implant trying to escape?

evidence of the “steady feminization of men” which she said unsurprisingly coincides with the rise of Marxism.

It was an honest mistake he thought they said erection stimulation.

He has our thoughts and prayers.

If they had a real pissing contest at least we’d know if they had prostate problems or not.

How about a “go fund me” and invite all his neighbors, even the ones the live a couple blocks over.

ew. no. just. no. 

American Exceptionalism

As a Leo, I can tell you, these rankings are shit.

Oregon is after all, the Beaver State.

At age thirteen I was tilling up the garden with a pitchfork , bare foot of course. I was done for the day so I plunged the pitchfork into the ground but my foot was kinda in the way. I pulled the sucker out right away. It didn’t hurt that much until I noticed blood coming out of bothsides of my foot. Amazingly enough

Yuck, now I have to go wash my eyes out.

So you’re back Katha ?

Yeah, I’m thinking tan suit and jar of grey poupon.

No, some sort of twisted cosplay.