
Get a Tesla.

Well at least that will give them a sense of pride and accomplishment 

That’s indeed a beautiful piece of machinery. The rear gearbox is also a marvel of mechanical engineering to me as a layperson at least. So many gears, thingamajigs and gizmos in there.

Cutaways, real or illustrated, are the best car porn.  

Turbo may be short for turbocharger, but that does not mean that the word “Turbo” = turbocharger. “Turbo” has long been used as a synonym for faster, better, more, etc.

That’s my point. They are nowhere in the same league. I was expecting something to actually compete with the S, not exist on a totally different plane entirely.

That has nothing to do with Apple and everything to do with BMW being shitty

Time to make him eat two whole bowls of spiderwebs 

As a latino myself i find the term stupid. It sounds gross in spanish. it doesn’t adjust to spanish. It’s straight down bad.

Hola! Oye nada mas por curiosidad, ¿de dónde eres? ¿Vives en Latino América? Y si no, ¿Hace cuanto que no vives por acá? Que nunca he oido a alguien usar el término mas que en E.U.A. y nunca en America Latina, por lo que mi hipótesis actual es que es un término proviene de paises de habla inglesa y no de America

As a Latino, I can corroborate that I have never heard it used in Mexico

The RAE, Real Academia Española, which is the authority on the Spanish language, does not recognize the word “Latinx”. The word “Latinos” is used as a collective for either a group of Latin American men or a group containing men and women. It can also have a feminine form in “La comunidad latinoamericana”, meaning

It is unfortunate for you to say “dozens of people I know” because now all I can think of is..

Hispanic person. No, we don’t. It’s actually pretty disrespectful to the Spanish language and culture imo.

The gender neutral term for Latino is Latino. No actual Latino identifies as Latinx. It’s a made up word by non Latinos. Kinda like how people who are not Native American want to change the name of the Washington Redskins, but actual Native Americans could care less.

I speak only for myself, but the market seems to mostly agree.

Another take from an Arm Chair CEO’s.

Internet man declares! Based not on extensive research performed by mega corporations to justify a major change in corporate direction and philosophy, but on his own magnificent gut! Everyone, take note!

After only two posts I know for an absolute certainty that you are a complete douche.

The biggest issue is that they won’t exactly be useful to anyone that uses a truck as a truck. The Rivian and Telsa truck will epitomize the image that everyone just buys a gargantuan pickup just to look manly(and compensate) while driving to the office downtown or go to the mall.

The only way I would consider an