oh vienna

Shhhhh. Don't worry your pretty little head 'bout that.


Michelle Visage can kiss my Unreconstructed '80s New Waver ass with her trifling "you look too '50s to be new wave" bullshit.

I have occasionally wondered when I would meet the limits of my guilty fondness for certain elements of '90s pop culture.

Oh my god, Night Flight! I lived for New Wave Theatre when I was about 12.

His harmonies are also pretty amazing. Both times I saw the Roses live ('90 and '95) he's the only reason the vocals sounded halfway decent, Ian being evidently unable to carry a tune in a bucket while onstage.

In one of the few instances of perfect timing in my pop cultural life, I spent my junior year of college in England during the height of Roses mania. I remember listening to "Made of Stone" on my Walkman while on a train watching the landscape chug by in perfect rhythm to the song, then when I took my headphones off

re: Gary Numan seeming more indebted to Kraftwerk — yes, that's my sense too, as well as to John Foxx-era Ultravox.

Now he's getting sued.
Kinda stoopid.

I love Bowie like mad, but I have to say I've always been a little mystified by his animosity towards Gary Numan back then (especially given how young Numan was — I think he was something like 19).

Not to mention their Vanilla Ice diss track, "Pop Goes the Weasel."

I agree with you re: Jimmy's intentions, but from Kim's point of view in terms of how the incident affects her, his intentions are irrelevant. She made that explicit when she repeatedly refused his offers to help get her out of trouble. (Rhea Seehorn has said as much in recent weeks, on both the podcast and at

"Her law firm has just betrayed her trust, but Jimmy never would."
But… that was the whole point of the last couple of episodes: Jimmy *did* in fact betray her trust, by lying to her about his Sandpiper commercial being approved. That's what sets her up to go into doc review and seemingly put her whole career into

But were they all the same nails-on-chalkboard emo version? Because UGH, dude, learn to sing for real.

I can't believe they didn't let Dr. "Silver Fox" Clarkson find happiness with a nurse from York.

Ugh. This is giving me horrifying flashbacks to my mother's own battle with her meddling mother, except it was the 1970s/80s so there was more polyester and fewer selfies. (And people wonder why my sister and I each picked colleges several time zones away…)

Holy shit, Grant-Lee Philips sounds like he's channeling Ghost of Tom Joad-era Springsteen. In other words: SIGN ME THE FUCK UP, with a side of Iggy Pop and Dead Stars, because that's just the kind of Gen X old lady I am.

There is seriously no amount of money I wouldn't have paid for Brian Cranston to win, just to see Leo's face.

"It's not the side effects of the Koka-Nola / I'm thinking that it must be love"