oh vienna

"I thought the only lonely place was the VIP Room"

The return of the Thin White Elf, throwing darts in Sauron's eyes… (title track: Shire to Shire)

Well, as long as they're not shooting for a portrayal that conveys any of Patti Smith's warmth or charisma or humor, that sounds like a great casting decision.

He carries some deep and abiding resentment from something that happened a few seasons ago… I think when one of the Bateses was in the midst of one of their not-murder sprees at some point, Baxter had the temerity to answer some innocuous question from the police, which I guess made Bates decide she was plotting

Historically there was a wing of Irish republicanism that was also socialist; it's associated most strongly with James Connolly, who was executed by the British in 1916 (along with several others) for his part in the Easter Rising rebellion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…
I can't remember if it was ever stated

I think I read that the general "let us never speak again of Matthew" vibe is Fellowes' way of punishing Dan Stevens for leaving the show.

Ugh, Bates. "For once, I agree with you, Miss Baxter." God, what I wouldn't give for someone to finally snap at him, "WHAT IS YOUR DAMAGE, HEATHER?"

Tina Fey actually gives me a little bit of a Jan Hooks (RIP) vibe with a few of her expressions.

It's gotta be pharmaceuticals, which makes me dream longingly for a good "Intervention" sketch starring the Palin clan. Darrell Hammond could play Jeff VanVonderen: "Sarah, everybody here loves ya like crazy — emphasis on crazy — but they feel like they're losin' ya."

I used to work with the woman who was the voice of Pazuzu in Exoricist II: Demonic Boogaloo. (She also appeared with Pee-Wee Herman on an episode of The Gong Show back in the day.) Needless to say, we used to make her do the voice all the time, particularly in the vicinity of unsuspecting new hires.

Oh my god, please let them cast Jemaine Clement.

She's going to have her mind blown when she finds out that some African Americans are ALSO women!

Please. The correct nomenclature is "females"!

I totally adore his re-recorded version of Let Me Sleep Beside You (originally slated for Toy c. 2001, finally released on Nothing Has Changed a few years ago). https://www.youtube.com/wat…
A few more off the top of my head…
The Hearts Filthy Lesson and Hallo Spaceboy (Outside)
Seven Years in Tibet and I'm Afraid of

"One of his skills was finding musicians to interpret his vision in ways he couldn't personally do."
Totally agree. It was one of my (mild) complaints about the "David Bowie Is" exhibition, actually — aside from the discussion of Eno and Iggy during his Berlin period, I felt that it underplayed Bowie's uncanny ability

I'm not… a MOODY guy!

Yes, his vocal on that is *amazing.* "Does my prayer fit in with your scheme of things" — I don't know how he strikes the perfect balance between delicate and desperate on that line in particular.

Paying homage at his star on the Walk of Fame last week, I was happy to see that among all the flowers and candles, some witty soul had left a quart of milk and some red peppers.

Whoa, you're right! That's so strange. The Enigmatic Bass Player… one of Bowie's hitherto-undiscovered personas?

And the video…holy god, THE VIDEO. Tortured-Artist-in-a-Garret Bowie was always the Bowie I imagined as my boyfriend when I was an impressionable youngster.