
If you became a majority shareholder in a major corporation you could run it as SJW as you want.

Jezebel’s reporting is reading and summarizing someone else’s reporting.

You seem like the mad one dude.

The class action settlement is conditional on the FINAL appeal decision. This can still be reheard en banc and then (theoretically) appealed to SCOTUS. This is the second business story I’ve seen you fuck up lately.

White people are still the indirect culprits, because nothing bad on this planet that happened in the last 500 years can’t be traced back to something fucked up a white person did.

If you’re only using sunlight to light the interior of your home you’re probably not a good candidate for the purchase of any kind of lightbulb.

What you’re describing is a smart bulb with less functionality.

Low probability? New York’s “cannibal cop” already used existing police databases to stalk women as part of plots / fantasies about eating them. Imagine if he had access to their instantaneous whereabouts!

Yes, but I think having the police not track your every move by default is an essential liberty.

Dude, you’re light skinned as fuck. You’re not even black by the Del tha Funkee Homosapien standard.

Because the people who hold authority in the UK always use it judiciously and impartially solely for the public benefit.

Yet one more: You happen through innocent personal associations to learn that a high-level police officer is having an affair. You don’t care, but the officer doesn’t know you don’t care. The officer asks subordinates to use ubiquitous CCTV to surveil you and arrest you for any charge possible (which is not difficult,

Well, the law is on Cuomo’s side...wait, no.

That means you should hate them soon.

Men who become women as adults don’t grow up facing systemic misogyny or periods or cramps or any number of the gazillion problems women face. Somehow getting tits implanted to pass as a woman is courageous but putting on foundation and a wig to pass as black is disgusting.

What makes you think it’s faux? Miley Cyrus and Iggy don’t go home and pretend to live as black people.

Can you hear yourself? A person is definitely born with a sex (you can literally see it with a microscope); gender is how the person processes that sex and presents themselves to the world. Similarly, a person is born with a skin color, but racial performance is by no means set in stone (cf. black people dressing like

The fact that she passed for a decade shows that maybe blackness isn’t as binary as you think.

What bad could possibly occur when a white woman pretends to be black?

So Jezebel’s general stance is that a man can get his dick cut off (or not) and be a woman on his say so, thereby moving from a place of more privilege to less, but a white woman cannot in good faith put on some makeup and live as a black woman on her say so? Got it.