
What about the whole rising sea level issue?

Most places that send you a bill don't let you change your name in the account.


Of course a white girl comes up with this critique.

It seems at the end that you ultimately share a perspective with Chait but disagree on his interpretation of the importance of "pc" thinking. (I'm referring to your statement "I don't use the word mansplaining, I don't like trigger warnings, I don't care about microaggressions, I am extremely un-P.C. in person and I

"Dude! I think that stripper really digs me!"

No one is legally obliged to tip a waiter, either, but if you don't do it you're an asshole. Same with lap dances. Strippers often pay to work at strip clubs — they don't get paid by the club at all. It's fucked up but so are servers' wages, and that's why we tip them.

The stage dance is an advertisement for the lap dances. You wouldn't pay to watch a Burger King commercial and then pay more to eat there.

I guess...Houston.

Why did they announce a product as the "greatest thing ever" if they hadn't even figured out how to make it? Just to stop people from buying Motos?

Not debatable in the least. Though it doesn't help that tennis men wear pretty neutral sports gear and the women are expected to dress up with a cute little skirt. With most sports there's no difference between the male gear and the female gear (women hockey players aren't donning skirts, for sure).

We're in some ways worse because Americans at least know they have race issues. Canadians just blithely ignore widespread racism because it's not a major problem in say Toronto and Calgary.

"Primitive: characteristic of early ages or of an early state of human development." People who have no written language, live in tents, have no property system and have never seen cars are definitely primitive.

Good to hear. When I hear about these dibs wars it makes me actually not want to live in Chicago, which otherwise seems very lovely. (As a native Canadian who is used to snow, the idea that shoveling once entitles you to a free parking space for the winter seems ridiculous).

I would get a few gallons of water and flood the space. Enjoy that ice! (until spring).

The code all of the neighbors have agreed to live by is Chicago's city bylaws. You don't get to make up unwritten laws for your street because you live there.

I think if someone vandalized my car while I was in a "dibbed" parking space I'd go to the nearest corner store, buy about three gallons of water and flood that space after I left to let the ice forever (until spring) ruin it for the dibser.

Fuck "dibs." It's the street.

It's funny because the "unnatural" argument is a piss poor argument against homosexuality since homosexuality often appears in animals. In this case the haters are making a normative argument based on what they think nature ought to be like.*

Would you have signed over power of attorney to your parents after you asked your dad for advice?