
Right, I'm not saying it can be judged based on this little write up. Just that if that's all there were to it the suit would likely not go far in the US.

Not sure what the UK rules are, but in the US I think if a person makes a single racist remark and then is terminated that's good enough to beat a hostile work environment suit.

Good story.

*Too, fewer.

Is Jezebel's new slogan "Gawker, a day later?"

Cows and elephants don't sneak up on you.

Who imposes this obligation to assist trans clients? I'm not saying trans clients shouldn't be able to buy bras in peace, but a lot of comments have said "this store HAS TO assist trans customers." Well, actually, no they don't. Not in Texas. Trans is not a protected category. So the discussion might be advanced if

It was on Gawker a while ago. Jezebel is just getting out of bed or something, I guess.

I am not offended at all. I don't think all men are creepy, either. But I do think that there are good reasons to keep men out of women's change rooms as a general rule. I don't know that this case was handled well or sensitively, but if you're arguing that cismen in general should be allowed in women's change rooms,

To discriminate means to tell different things apart. A lot of things of "discriminatory." Not hiring stupid people to work as rocket scientists discriminates against stupid people. Not hiring ugly people to work as models discriminates against ugly people. Not hiring pedophiles to work at daycares discriminates

So to complete the circle for you, the presence of things like five o'clock shadows, pronounced Adam's apples etc typically signify to observers that their owner is a man. If one, possessing these traits and a male build, walks into a woman's change room, it's not shocking that someone might challenge them.

Where does this responsibility come from? The Austin municipal laws? The Quran? Your idea of how the world should work? Because trans is not a protected status in Texas or most of this country, for that matter. If you're going to make a blanket assertion about how things are supposed to be, maybe you should say where

If a cis woman has a true five o'clock shadow (as opposed to little hairs) she should see a hormone specialist, because she is presenting male secondary sexual characteristics.

Why is it not how this works? You're articulating a position without offering any reason. There are only 700,000 trans people of both genders in the US, which is 0.2 percent of the total population. If (hypothetically) pissing off that 0.2 percent makes 99.8 percent happy, then why the fuck not?

The difference being that black people are born that way. Can you demand that people in blackface use a separate bathroom?

Actually, in Texas being trans is not a protected status, so you can bar them from a public place for whatever reason you want.

Totally true. Museums as non-important as the Royal Ontario Museum and Art Gallery of Alberta have embraced this "blobby is cool" design.

I think they're saying the "hard choice" for Hillary would be to fight infidelity with infidelity and cheat herself. Also, I think they need to direct their advertising to women, since men are going to come to a hookup site in droves already.

Yeah and then I would make a website and advocacy group about how uncool that was.

Would Jezebel actually get pissed off if a woman wandered around in a Pope hat and a bikini? If it was at the MoMA they'd probably call it an interesting performance piece.