Ohto Kangas

Except that the ring is inside the largest track.

Suck it up bitches, your game is F2P, they need to make money somehow folks.

The Corkscrew is blind, but it's actually not that fast and fairly easy once you find the tree you're supposed to aim for. Turns 4, 6, and 9 are much, much scarier.

Not sure, but this should help.

Toyota actually races "Camrys" in NASCAR, but your point is well taken all the same.

I love it, but this is a Rolls Royce in the same way Toyota races a Corolla in NASCAR

No love for the Suzuki X90 :( When will you people learn??

Talk about creative design. Not, ugly. Not beautiful. Not expected. Not missed. But ballsy and executed, and a lot of that is a gone art today.

I can’t comment about cars but perhaps my experience bears some weight to the experience thing. I used to race mowers ( riding mowers ) on a dirt track. These were heavily modified and good for 50-60MPH or so. These were not easy to drive or handle. Anyway time and again we would have someone show up with some

Two whole half days of experience, wow! What’s this guy doing in a Z06? Oh wait, it’s an auto...

I’m waiting for Fab 1 to become available.

Better idea, no paid mods. Ever.

Came here to say the same thing! Damn! And I was going to post these Martini Liveried Porsches as well!

Suzuki Samurai - People in the know love them, but amongst the general public, they’re most often viewed as Barbie Beach Mobiles in the same way that the Miata’s a girl’s car or whatever. These and the later incarnation Sidekick/Tracker/Vitara will put Jeeps to shame. My brother had a later 2 door Tracker that he used

And this is not a one off...

Porsche 911

That's right eat that sea turtle! Like it matters your extinct, they are not. Ha! Take that you Dino-wannabe!

Okay, first of all.... this house is a blocky stationary AT-AT: