Ohto Kangas

This car from Florida (wow, even back then) is using some sort of modified Fox-body Mustang front end and Eklers Corvette aftermarket rear fenders, and what has to be some really potent and terrifying drugs. It sort of looks like someone parked a Beetle in a race car bed and then coated the whole thing in glossy black

Like I stated. I know the DOT has a lot to do with it.

Anything that has removed driver involvement with the machine.

Even driving my Audi 90 around I feel like a midget compared to the new cars.

What no 5 cylinder love????

Agreed. Inability or arrogance was the cause. Speed was the result along with death.

Porn and rolling papers. Interesting combo for sure

and he gets a fat kick back. Money will change anyone mind.

Do you need any more proof that corporations control our government?

Ohto Kangas I like it

Welcome to the entitlement generation. Nothing applies to them only everyone else.

You have to give Porsche credit for how quickly and professionally they handled this matter. A lot of other Manufacturers could learn a lesson here

Now that Ford has bastardized the platform and made all their crappy POS's have that Aston Martin look. I see no worth left in the in the Mark.

This my friends is exactly what is wrong with America and Americans.

All I needed to see. Crackpipe

Same as

Skoda Yeti.

That is an interior I could spend countless hours in. Amazing concept.

I am the petrified shy type. So I cannot get myself to break free from the wall. So painfully shy that when someone does try to talk to me I look for the first escape possible. So this does not work for everyone unfortunately.