Ohto Kangas

VW has always treated the US market like an unwanted stepchild. They have to deal with us, they will gladly take our money. But they will never give us the best of what they make. I know it's a money game and the DOT has a lot to do with it. However their quality is slipping and without exciting models I see their

So in order to repay us the tax payers we are going to get free cars right. ;)

Not a real Jaguar. So no real loss here.

I like the GT series. However they have never been able to get the curbs right in my opinion. Forza was a little better at it. But still not great. The PC games seem to do a lot better job on this.

Of course I know that is not how it works. Hence why I am not impressed.

If they really wanted to impress me they would donate all of it.

Yeah I know it has the same writers. But the commercials make the show seem dumbed down. Plus I don't like any of the hosts. It just never grabbed me. Personal opinion that is all. We are still allowed to have those, right? From your comment it would seem that that right is gone also.

Still have never watched this show and probably never will. Cheap US rip off of a great UK show.

Yeah. Sorry about that. Been one of those mornings :)

Seems like a waste of a lot of good German parts to me.

Why sure look how much they have helped out the Domestic Manufacturers. Detroit is a thriving amazing city. American cars are sought after all over the world for their unbelievable quality and performance. VW treats their US employees so incredibly badly paying them hardly nothing to do very demanding jobs. They have

Audi CQ

This is such a waste and you know they are going to make an example of this guy. Crap if you mounted a GoPro to my car it would look a lot like my morning commute really. He stopped at all the lights except one. The one he ran was a series of a couple lights and he stopped at the one that met up with the intersection.

this would be funny if it wasn't the truth.

Yep the boobs drew me in.

Mustache is coming in nicely.

Suzuka So curvy it crosses over itself.

reminds me of two fints and a brush fro the vortex years ago. lol

Agree absolutely

How about abolish car pool lanes. They do nothing to benefit the flow of traffic and actually make it worse. When drivers wait til the last second to exit the lane and cut across all the lanes of travel to make an exit.