
Same here man. I've been playing Puyo Puyo since I was like 5(21 now). Every version of it, from Dr Robotnik's Meanbean to Kirby's Avalanche, and all the Japanese versions we didn't get here in the States. It has always and will always be my favorite puzzle game, and I don't know why people don't love it as much as

I liked him as Edward of FMA, and his voice was perfect for the flamboyant Tamaki of Ouran, but I don't really care for him as Junpei, and I know I'm not alone in that. He was very..."uninspired" at a lot of points of the game. I get that he was going for that "typical cool dude" vibe, but it just felt so cheezy

I believe it is safe to say that you have just been very succesful in this instance, and also that I admire your educated observation on success.

None are more pitiful than he who posesses a superiority complex.

Well even if no one else cares enough about this game to post, I do. I knew from the start we'd see this game take the Guilty Gear/Blazblue route of game/name extensions. Yes, we'll probably have to pay another fourty or sixty dollars to own the next version, and it likely will have desirable content set as DLC. I'll

hahahaaha, oh my god. I said this same joke to my buddy who loves Persona. although it's better in picture form.

I wrote this wit Swype, please excuse typos.

As I mentioned in another comment, this is a sign of the illuminati and an example of their control and presence within all media around the world. After reading so many replies that dismiss the truth of this symbolism, or misinterpreations, let me be one of the many people to mention to you that this is very real,

I absoluetly agree that this is another example of Illuminati symbolism within media. Most will dismiss it, or believe what they will. This guy thinks its from Zelda, and other things will surely surrface. The reality of the situation the symbolism represents is far darker than what you'll find in video games.

I was just talking to my friends a few hours ago about the rising amount of Champions in LoL. I'm all for a game having a great character selection, but to keep making more is eventually going to leave us with too many Champions. I know, a person could argue "You can never have too much" or something about playing


We can only hope. But I gotta say.. if I did end up getting a Wii-U, I might be too busy running around a Zombie infested London to care about Naruto and his Rasenkamehameha.

I understand exactly where you're coming from, and I slightly envy the Japanese versions of the game. I feel like Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 is relatively balanced(spare some Akatsuki characters and Bando). Though on a personal level, I wasn't cool with the lack of Ino(and other characters)from the past two games.

"..did the world forget"*

The Ultimate Ninja Storm games are great, but why did the world forgotten about the Clash of Ninja series? I'm still here playing "Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution III". Where is our next game?

We've known for years that Japan produces some of the strangest entertainment that is known to the world. At a point we think to ourselves, "I've seen some of the craziest things Japan has to offer". Then some producers drop acid and give life to even more stunningly awkward yet painfully hilarious masterpieces like

Ho ho! Have a look at Gardevoir. Imagine the face is facing right. Now have a look at those duck lips and that huge nose. (Please don't tell me thats the proper way of looking at it...)

*When used with parenthesis.

I have always thought that as well. It almost looks like a distressed bomberman. I like that way better too.