
That's probably because they know you and are just grateful you're not the kind of asshole to hate them for being Transgender. I am trans, and there are some people I call friends that I'm comfortable with them using tranny, many more I'm not. I don't have a problem speaking out when I am uncomfortable, but not

It's not shameful at all. I'm dead serious. Sanitation workers are the cornerstone of fucking civilization. Without them we'd have nothing. Honestly I'm sick and tired of the attitude that soldiers and fucking cops are heroes. Screw that noise.

"Most hated," I think not. But mostly because I was this kid, just minus the emotional issues (okay mostly). It's called having an imagination, sheesh!

Lol. Well that's the point, it doesn't work after they've done it. You have to stop them while they're taking the shit.

At this point criticizing the CoD series is kind of like rubbing a dog's nose in their own shit.

The game is changing. I wonder if the old guard is going to get with the times or fight back. Personally I wouldn't mind watching some of them fail at the latter.

"The perils of dating on Skype."

Loved that show. So hard.

That's a bad example because it's backwards. The GG movement started as ISIS and then attracted people that mistakenly thought that ISIS represented something else.

I'm sorry if you're saying you live in an area without broadband internet but would you honestly expect this to run well on dial up?

He does sound kinda dreamy.

You can't sell something no one is going to buy if they don't have to.

Well now I'm conflicted because he's acting like an ass but the GG folks are worse.

How respected could one be when they act like this in public? Not very in my eyes and as deeply interested in e-sports as I am I've never heard his name. I'm familiar with Dream Hack but not him.

I'm in so long as it isn't first person. We need more good exploration games.

The sad thing is the people that need to see this, to understand, to gain perspective, won't care.

I hadn't noticed. In fact you know what I did notice? I sent him an email thanking him for a blog post he wrote on the gearbox website and letting him know how much I enjoyed the writing in Borderlands 2.

I had hopes for the 3ds game that's supposed to come out soon, because someone was throwing around Tactical RPG. Which had me thinking, "Awesome, an Air Bender game like FF Tactics right?" Nope, not if the screen shots are any indication. I mean I know the limitations of the 3ds but the screen shots look bad, even

I'd rather not spend money on style without substance. That's not something I want to encourage.

Oh I agree whole heartedly it's misplaced effort, I just wonder who's to blame for that you know? Was it the studio? Was it Nickelodeon? The publisher? With most of those titles you're talking about indie studios that don't have to answer to someone saying, "Sure sure that's a nifty idea but we can never sell 8 bit