After the weeping comes confused arousal and drinking.
After the weeping comes confused arousal and drinking.
It's all been done.
Their names are Curse You and Wonder Trade.
"I wonder if they'll ever make the leap to the highly customizable character faces that most other MMOs use..."
Full disclosure I love this game and have a crush on Luke Plunkett. Like hard fantasies slash style crush. Just so we're all being ethical and stuff I thought that should be disclosed.
Well as someone that's polyamorous I have to disagree. There are many of us out there who are capable of loving more than one person at the same time, and for different reasons. We've just realized that we don't have to end perfectly loving relationships because of monogamy.
Seems like an FPS to me. Borderlands, TF2 all have these elements. It's a new genre for them, but they're not inventing anything. That's kind of their MO. The last thing I want to play is an FPS with no narrative. It's about the only thing an FPS brings to the table.
They were more reference to recent events you may not have heard about. The point being that officers rarely actually follow "SOP" and generally believe they are the final arbiters of what constitutes appropriate force. Otherwise we wouldn't need Internal Affairs or Property Officers, and young black kids wouldn't…
At least two:
No they're usually based on shooting first and asking questions later.
Actually yes. Make of that what you will.
I decided to just give up on Ubisoft since I won't buy a fucking console and uPlay crashes on every system I own regardless of the hardware and OS. I was elated when the Stick of Truth came out sans uPlay but there have been a few titles I'll just never play because of it.
For some time now I've been hoping Blizzard would make a new IP and in a new genre.
A S.W.A.T. response has a much higher chance of escalating any situation, and a much higher chance of being an overreaction, both of those increase the likelihood someone is going to die.
Who said I hate cops? My mother was a property officer. I work with law enforcement on a nearly daily basis. There are right ways and wrong ways to handle police response. This is an example of the wrong way.
Why does it always have to be a fucking shooter?
That's good news.