
Sounds like two divided by love to me.

And yet what?

Seems like a lot more hot air and tom foolery from the trolls club. I doubt any of that can be trusted.

I think this sums up why it's hard to take him seriously:

You mean speak so truthfully?

Dude, have you ever known Gary? He's a creepy, s c a r y dude. I wouldn't fuck with him.

All of the story surrounding Jinx and Vi is fantastic. I think they're great characters on their own too. The music videos are great. I'm still not sure how I feel about this reboot though.

I don't know if I'd say rather but I'd be okay with that too.

It sounds like we're largely in agreement about the hypocrisy and harassment.

Strongly disagree. The first two lived up to their respective genres, played to their strengths, and completely delivered. Aliens is a sequel, and and exceptional one at that. It wasn't supposed to be a horror, and to think that it's existence in anyway diminishes the value of Alien as a horror film is just poppycock.

Everyone knows there's no such thing in Middle Earth.

Ah okay I get it. That's a problem with those museums, (don't get me started on the problems with museums), Degas work is actually not so narrow. Have you ever looked at any collections outside of museums? You say he did one thing well, and actually he's just as well known for his nudes as the dancers. That a majority

Which brings us back around to the fact that a studio should decide why they're making games. Is it for love of the medium? Or just money? We all have to get paid, that's just how the world works; But there's a huge difference between making what you can while doing what you love, and selling the fuck out.

I know a guy that got bit "down there" by his pet ferret. I think the yelp I heard was less pain and more fear, if you know what I mean. It wasn't one of those agonizing yells, there was no anger, like when you stub a toe, it was all fright and crying.

I mean it's not like I had to force it...

Personally, I agree. But try telling this to the marketing guys.

In those cases they exploited bugs, but yes, those people are everywhere. Don't know if it's an exploit in this game though, as it's not on PC.

Don't care for Halo, what are the Halo aspects? Love me some Borderlands, though that's mostly for the story.

It's a traitor, get'm!