Oh Snap!

Well, I’m not basing my argument on the social justice definition of racism? I definitely think what they did was racist.

LOL nice moving the goal posts. First you said it wasn’t happening at all, and now you’re saying it happens but not like people say it’s happening.

Oh fuck off. You fucking people say every single crime committed by Trump supporters is a “lie from the liberal media”.

Locomotive Jones is a well known troll. Responding to his posts just excites him. It’s better to just dismiss.

...I thought it was in his butt. Now this makes more sense! Not much more, but some.

That is so random. Was it cooked or raw?

I’m sure it’s the same reason why Brock Turner got off. Young affluent white men always have futures that always matter more than their victims or justice.

I don’t think they deserve the plea deal. But I also don’t think the rapist of the young man I mentioned deserved one, either. The prosecution should be blamed. My point is that when black people commit crimes against white people they are almost always punished. When the reverse happens it’s generally a slap on

The racists don’t give a shit about this poor kid. All they care about is being able to point and say, “Look! Some black people did something horrible so clearly all black people are racist scumbags, and I’m the victim here!”

Oh damn. There was that, too? A few weeks ago people got pissed because some white lady got a black kid arrested, and people were fighting because they were saying it was supposed to be “a safe space for her”.

Can the fire department actually do something? I keep seeing this suggested.

Why would you say shit like that and then willingly go on the show of one of the most prominent lesbians on tv? If you’re going to bigot then don’t expect the people you’ve directed your bigotry towards to kiss your ass.

I’m torn on this. If he is defrocked then that means he is out of the church and in the general public where he has access to children, right? But if he’s sent somewhere where he doesn’t have access to children then isn’t that better?

lol kay.

Did this. It was a horrible idea. One of the reasons I had a rough patch with my husband that lasted over a year.

Uhhhhh...did you just want to write porn or something?

Only the finest Christmas Shoes for when I meet Jesús tonight.

You mean you didn’t ask Santa for a nest of spiders?

Have you tried Porefessional primer from Benefit?