
Is life even worth living anymore?

His sister plays his sister who is married to Christian, but I was confused too at first.

Finding out who he's singing about is like finding out what's in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction or what Bill Murray said to Scarlett Johansson said at the end of Lost in Translation. Some things are better left a mystery.

I think it was just Peter Farrelly and I think he only wrote it. Probably produced it too.

If "just good" is the qualification I think Anchorman 2 fits that description.

My vote goes to Kingpin.

Does this mean Star Trek is going to be taken off Netflix?

I just saw this movie. It was totally okay.

It's close enough to Thanksgiving that Rock can bring back the Nikey Turkey sketch.

Everyone. I have something to admit. I AM afraid of no ghosts.

Did you get all of that?

MacFarlane not only has to recast, he now has to rewrite all the child molestation jokes in next week's Family Guy.

I loved how hurt the Sea Captain was at the end of the episode that he wasn't invited on their adventure.

Interesting article, but it feels like a rushed first draft. Most FOC are much longer than this and I feel like the author of this needed to get this out the weekend the movie came out and everyone was still talking about it. It just kind of ends.

I was kind of wondering that myself.

I believe there was an SNL sketch that referred to this show as Fancy Entourage.