
Man, what theatre do you go to that charges 10$ for an evening movie? :) Actually, let me clarify. I meant buying a season pass before you played the game. Destiny is a little different in that we have all played it before the microtransactions appeared on the radar. But the question is the same, what new content are

Not to mention, you can only equip ONE of the new emotes. Seems like a short sight. You would think you can use most of your new ones (or at least four) during crucible and mid missions without having to go into your inventory to switch between them.

Why don’t you go buy that Battlefront season pass, since you seem very please with yourself about not knowing what you are actually buying with that X amount of dollars. Don’t far off that high horse. Willing the bet it’s just that content that was cut to make sure Taken King was shipped on-time.