Ohoyo Tohbi

So don’t compare. :) Bet you also look gorgeous, in your new cute suit!

Sweet Green Iced Tea.

This look is everything.

I’m so sorry to hear that happened to you. Sexual assault etc. is trauma, no question about it. I’ve witnessed a patient burst into tears at her first exam - she was early 30’s. It wasn’t pretty and everyone involved just felt strongly for her. And actually, I don’t think it was the physical nature of the exam that

I’ve got zip for advice but I’m loving how you’re just as open, human (and awesome) as the rest of us with equally flawed insecurities. You. Will. Be. OK. *cat gif or somethin’*

There’s this thing I read about when going through an awful breakup four years ago. I could probably find the link but the gist of it was that in some instances, staying together for *a while* is slightly kinder as a transition (please note that kinder does not immediately equal healthier). The way it read sounded

I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Nothing will make it better, except for precious memories when the sting has faded and the absolute gratefulness and joy at having known this creature takes hold of you, fights your battle and overpowers the sorrow. And that, unfortunately, just takes time. <3

^^^Native. :)

I didn’t know he looked like that now. Holy crap I’m getting old. Still amazing, though.

I’ll stick with Red, tyvm. :)

Wait a minute, this sounds familiar.....

My mathematics professor was smoking hot... Sign me up!

Thank you :)

My Momma, Resting in Paradise since ‘97. Here we are at her favorite spot in the world, atop Mt. Scott after one of the best hikes of my life. She was wild, in every beautiful crazy strange way. Even though I’ve now lived more of my life without her, she’s in my heart always.

There is NO SHAME in liking variety!

Inspired Tennis Racket/Lattice gown for Spring 2015

IDK, Kim’s dress reminds me of a very upscale version of the Tron guy’s costume...

There’s room enough for an air conditioner underneath. She’s good.

Frank Gehry in red. Gorgeous....

Nope, you’re right. Something about red and being renamed from Chinese Whispers to something else.