Octopi & jellyfish? ..Does this have anything to do with um, large unwieldy mythical lizards?
Octopi & jellyfish? ..Does this have anything to do with um, large unwieldy mythical lizards?
Well maybe but I doubt it as it's a behavioral addiction instead of substance abuse. One is inescapable as the other has substance that can physically be put down and/or removed. People like me, well, we cannot permanently put down our hands physically. Oddly, addictions have the power to (at least initially,…
I LOVE OJST. That is all. :D
Working on the white-coat side, I'd say that's probably true. We are all human, after all and there really is no base "normal."
I have the scars, too. I'm in out-patient recovery for it and it's fucking hard but there is a huge difference between self-harm addiction and suicidality.
Totally what you said. #Iconcur
Anna first, then Ruby, now she's on here under the name Beth so I think her name is Sue. :) For levity..
Nah, I knew about it beforehand but you're right. So many variables. In fact, it's completely stunning that so many of us turn out as well and healthy as we do, given the trillions of things that could spaz out in the process. #shoptalk :)
Right except that if she was billed and couldn't pay/had no insurance, then the facility has to write part of that off which then goes into what the taxpayer covers so....... It depends.
Tons upon tons of GPs still see patients for mild to moderate depression. Usually only refer out when A) patient can afford the referral and B) it warrants specific psychiatric drugs, which are a whole other ballgame. Otherwise? Stuck with primary care.
"Stone children" are a thing. A very strange thing but a thing, nonetheless. Maybe? :/
Ugh. FFS, it's HIPAA, one P, two A's. Health Information Portability and Accountability Act. I also had to point this out to our hospital admin folks. Yay, details!
The article says that they were the ones to reach out to Jezebel. Also, this piece could bring education and awareness to people who may never have come across this before and/or happen to have/have had similar experiences.
Or your sofa.
OB-GYN is not my field but, I will say what I say to all of my patients and that is the fact that "Everybody's body is different" meaning healthcare is a spectrum, there most certainly is fluctuation within that spectrum and for the great majority, it works on averages of society as a whole. So, Idk. :/
That line between the physiological and psychological is a lot thinner and more narrow than some folks think. I can tell you from personal experience both as a patient and as a healthcare provider, our language just doesn't have adequate terms and description for some things. Patients flounder all of the time trying…
I thought this might be the unfortunate start of a trail to infant theft, as well. :/
Your FB lady reminds me of a film I saw earlier this year called "Finding Joy." It's about a writer who moves back home, strikes up a friendship with cutesy girl next door except she is obsessed with the "fact" that she's dying. Sounds bizarre but it was a really great story.
I heard her acceptance speech on the radio as I was running errands this morning. I pulled into a parking lot to listen. It made me cry. :)
Um...is this some strange reciprocal regional behavior? Do you do the same at her place? Why...Nevermind. I don't need to know. #sorrynobody'shome