
I worked in a fancy hotel gym for a bit. One of the trainers was 2 years younger than me. I was 21. He worked until 10 pm one night that I was closing and had to be back to open at 5:45 the next morning. He lived a good hour away from our gym so I invited him to spend the night on my couch since I lived close by to

Mazel tov, honey! He sounds dreamy :)

Not relevant and totally anecdotal, but my husband and my boyfriend both listen to Bjork and LOVE her.

Been there! Milk, eh? Baking soda saved me. It's a vulva, btw.

I had the burn "down there" due to my bf still having hot chili oil on his hands after eating wings and stimulating me manually. Things got heavy and suddenly the neighbours were banging on our door wondering why I was screaming bloody murder.

Sadly, stayed in. talking over reasons on whether or not to get a divorce with my husband. Things ain't so good lately, but I guess we're working on it. We did order fabulous Indian food though.

Did the fireworks happen?

I simply inquired on what sort of training they do. I didn't ever imply or suggest that FAs are useless or untrained. There was no criticism from me - no need for the venom. Maybe you're replying to the wrong person...

Thanks for the reply!

Paul, how often do FAs go through training in a year? Do they do any simulation drills or learn CPR etc?

Yup. RSVP = repondez, s'il vous plait = please respond.

You should totally do your hair however you want. Be creative and have fun. People that don't like it can **** right off. I think normal hair is boring and blah. I'm sorry to hear that this is the reality for your children. You and they deserve better than to constantly be wondering or worrying about how their next

Oh goodness! For me, it's the Gourmet Night episode of Fawlty Towers.

Ha! Cholula. Great stuff! I received a bottle as a gift from my parents, from their trip to Honduras last year. The next day, I was in a local grocery store (Toronto, ON) while talking to Dad on the phone. Lo and behold, I eventually find myself staring at a rack of Cholula and laughing hysterically into the phone. He

That's a great looking cat! here is mine! He is a daddy's boy type and just melts for my husband.

It's your standard food poisoning story. Thanks to what must have been really old, bad eggs (no expiry date, we later discovered), we both got salmonella food poisoning. My bf got it a day before me, so I took care of him for a bit - cleaning up vomit and patting his feverish brow.

You don't put your face in a dog's face. Isn't that common sense? Can we also please talk about the fact that elephants are being forced to give rides at this fair? From like 9-8 everyday - this is disgusting!

This wasn't O'Keefe House was it?

That's because CD is a robot, yo.