You have two-so multiple sources confirmed it.
You have two-so multiple sources confirmed it.
I don’t even see how it is possible to be fat while playing a professional sport. Athlete’s burn so many calories. What the heck is this guy eating?
The only Nice Price for this is $1.00. And I’d probably try to bargain down from there.
d) the worst penalties in the sport should be uniform color rush uniforms.
You give HamNo way too much credit.
Yeah....this was never going to end well for you.
There is a formula now:
Carry on then.
I live in Central CT-just east of the river. Really-north of New Haven is an entirely different state. But it’s the big taxpayers south of New Haven that would want to leave-not the rest of us. Hartford spends all their money like it’s going out of style.
There’s a butt for every seat.
And the dealer cares about this, why exactly? The buyer cares-the dealer does not. If anything-that is good for dealer. They can sell it again as a used car.
Normal people know better. When you’re worth 10-100 million 250K is pocket change.
It’s great that they are trying new things and winning. Except they beat the Sox already-but whatever. That’s what Boston deserves for getting rid of the best manager they ever had.
So your friend actually sees human’s like we all should. Not as a collective-but as individuals. Collectivism is a disease. It’s what allows cops to shoot young black men as an example. Once you start looking at people as a group it becomes very easy to do all sorts of evil shit.
Gary Johnson is not against a woman’s right to choose.
That smarts. 18-1 baby.
Barbara Bush is way way more famous than Billie. 5th most famous Bush at best. And really, most people think Kyle Busch is a Bush too.
I quote: “Fuck Assange.”
Well, if you weren’t anti-Assange a decade ago-and you are now-chances are you’re team Democrat. Maybe I read you wrong. But I find the recent Wikileaks outrage from the left to be maximum hypocrisy.
Were you thinking fuck Assange when he was exposing the billshit that lead to the Iraq war? Or are you just pissed that now he’s going after your team?