
Agreed. Also, Rivera’s ex (father of her child) played a redneck methhead on Justified without doing anything to change his personal style, so she clearly has a type.

What’s so gross about Spade?

Someone please explain how David Spade gets dates?? It can’t just be his giant penis. Same for Handy Manny (can’t remember his name).

I met hashtagmomlife at a party she threw at her place. It was Halloween, lots of recent college graduate-age kids, some mutual friends. By the time I got into her bedroom to seal the deal, I had, among other things, 1) played peacemaker in a weird fight between two of her friends, 2) had to fend off another dude who

When women start doing that to me, and hit them with the “ehn, mine’s a little on the slow side, but he’s sweet and happy, but I drank like a fish through most of my pregnancy, so [shrug!]”

I should not have redacted the post, then! Yes: #Peetscoffee #FrenchRoast or #GaiaOrganic in my #FrenchPress gets me through the day. And you are very perceptive, were there an earthquake I might ‘nope’ the photographs, cell phone, and wallet and grab the coffee. But only if it is early. 💛 Waits for checks to come

The shoes are the only good thing in this whole deal.

I love how frequently “I don’t know if you’re a mom but...” comes up in these responses. Sure there are some common struggles for moms but there sure as hell is no universal mom experience, nor does being a mom give anyone’s opinion greater standing on a blog post about nothing.

I have seen them in person maybe five years ago, and they are STILL stunning. And Goldie holds the door for little old ladies going into the grocery store. Awww.

Does my dad count? What about my boyfriend’s parents? My college roommate? A car that turned its brights on us? These are all different circumstances but all felt very official at the time.

This is going to make me sound super trashy but idc, it was college....I ended up having a super hot cab driver and we decided to bang so he pulled over into the local high school parking lot, it was really late so I thought we’d be fine but I guess someone thought something was off so the cops came to check it out.

Same! The signs that my body is trying to relax and slowing down sets my mind to racing. It’s awful.

That hair... the monkey...

“Potato boys” is a description I never knew I needed until this very moment! Bless you, dear child!

he is kind of super religious too (which fine, be religious but keep it to yourself please) and then the whole thing with the cat.

Another show about a white woman selling weed?

He sucks.