
I initially saw the “Casey” and the picture of Rooney and immediately thought: ...Casey Anthony biopic?

Yeah, this is like a stereotypical beardie hipster wet dream of a movie. You have to admire the $$ savings on CGI though.

I don’t think O’Reilly will go down in history at all, he’ll disappear like the fart cloud he is.

Maxine Waters is a national treasure and hero. Her vote against the Iraq War Resolution in 2002 will confer upon her a legacy of being one of the few politicians of the era of courage and conscience.

I feel like Crow watching Girl’s Town: “When did this director look into my dreams?”

sam rockwell is my boyfriend.

And from the guy who did In Bruges and Seven Psychopaths! I’m so in for this.

I’m going to watch the shit out of this movie. I was just talking to someone on another thread about Sam Rockwell and here he is.

That’s my only issue with it. Feminism is political. You can’t just put it on when you want like a designer jacket and expect people not to call you out on that. 

We have a winner!

I don’t think celebrities are necessarily obligated to voice political concerns, but when TS uses feminism as marketing, I think she somewhat opens herself up to this kind of criticism.

You forgot:

Whaaaat. Why. Wut.


Booty call? I think? I’m a young gay man and even I’m confused by these.

My mother in law was visiting the house and was helping us watch our daughter so we could sleep in a little bit. We were both feeling a little frisky so I closed our bedroom door (mostly) and proceeded to have sex.....I’m on top hammering my wife and I hear her mother go “Oh come on _____ lets go downstairs and leave

My boyfriend needed to drive to his hometown for a reason I can’t remember and his car was in the shop so I offered to drive him. But it also meant that I was going to meet his mother for the first time. (We had been dating probably 6 months at the time.) However, I had just had surgery (on my tongue no less) and even