

But why now? Why This Sperm?

obviously what do you take me for

if trump can define what fossil fuel even means i’ll eat my hat.

It’s basically just shit all the way down, isn’t it? He just keeps going and going and going and each choice is worse than the last one.

How It’s Made

People like this think it’s “funny” and “cute” and “edgy” to do the Nazi salute. They need to crack open a history book... and then take that book and shove it up their fucking ass because no amount of education will make them see the light. These people don’t deserve my love, sorry.

She looks less like a cat and more like a Cat.

Cocaine is going on. Lots and lots of cocaine.

She doesn’t look at all like a cat, actually.

Always amazes me how many women share coco chanel quotes like they are just *the* biggest fashionholics, yet whenever I tell these people she was a nazi they always act like I’m out of line for stating that fact. Like I’ve made them uncomfortable because they are quoting a nazi or something.

She can walk again!!!!

when a robot meets a robot, comin thro’ the rye

yes thank you i wish they would just kiss

Mr heavy bags under the eyes, meet Ms heavy bags under the eyes

I was rewatching that Breaking Dawn movie last month* and pulled the biggest double take when I recognized Malek and boggled at him being... human? Ish?

Their kids are going to have Steve Buscemi’s eyes.

look at this tho.
