I would really like to see that study. Do you have a citation?
I would really like to see that study. Do you have a citation?
Whelp, we can pack it up kids. This douche just announced an end to the death penalty, self-defense laws, stand your ground, and the military. We can let those murders free and call our troops back home. That will at least save us some money that we can spend on researching universal, free, effective birth control…
I email a dosage chart to every one of my patients with kids so they can look it up whenever they need to. It doesn’t matter to me if their kid has a fever, a broken toe, or a rash, if I can do anything to lower a parent’s stress level at 2am (because kids only get sick/sicker at 2am), I need to be there for them.
Because you’re comparing national averages to something that (theoretically) is based on state averages. Let’s say that men are responsible for 80% of accidents in Alabama but only 40% of accidents in Mississippi, men should pay more in Alabama, but less in Mississippi. However, the average between them is that men…
“Does it make it right? No.”
Which one wins: conservative love for “stand your ground” or Republican humping of the “Thin Blue Line”? Because I find the possibility of being shot by a skittish cop putting 6 rounds in my chest because I did what he told me to do but not down to the millisecond time span he wanted much more plausible than someone…
Nah. Another example of “Give me what’s mine! But what you deserve isn’t important” hypocrisy. It seems strange, but her ilk seems to preach that being disabled is a terminal illness. I don’t see it that way, but I guess she thought so.
Yeah... no. Ever see someone go into bronchospam because someone in the next cubicle was showing off her new perfume collection? No? Never seen the paramedics have to intubate your coworker and take her to the ED? I’m guessing not. How about your non-white, non-migraine having coworker out for a month after a stay in…
It sounds to me the point Old White Guy was trying to make was that cops should be held to the same standard as the rest of us, not that we should get away with shit because cops do.
Don’t forget bigot.
“Not saying it’s right or wrong, but lots of Constitutional rights are abridged in public schools”
I can see you’re not that asshole, but it only makes a difference if “everyone is different” if I was indicting individual people. It is the institution that is rotten. The assholes that use religion as a shield are only culpable in the same sense that an addict uses an addictive substance. I’m not going to change…
What you’re missing is the effect religion has on human nature. If you meet an asshole on the street, you may not even know he’s an asshole. But if he’s been drinking, you’ll see his true colors. And then he’ll likely use the excuse in the morning, “Duuude. I was so drunk.”
Yeah... no.
There is no shame in having an ex-spouse. In fact, sometimes it shows a great deal of character to admit you were wrong about something so huge and try to not ruin someone’s life any further.
No, you missed it.
Except Obama wouldn’t have done it. There are so many things that Trump lamely stumbles through that Obama would never in his worst nightmares considered doing. At the best, if Obama had, we wouldn’t have heard about it because it would have gone smoothly. Ultimately, that is the difference between the cool and the…
A very eloquent and thoughtful way of pointing out something I was thinking the whole second half of the article. I don’t see why we can’t care about both issues at the same time. I see an argument that tackling the issue for women of color would also benefit white women, but I did get an us vs. them vibe from this…
I think it is also something Louis CK would say to comedy club waitresses in the green room after his set.
Here’s an article about how right-wing Dennis Miller is from some bullshit fake-news rag: