Oh My God, Did it Sing?

Late last year I emailed every dealer in 200 miles that showed they had in stock a very specific make/model and trim in stock. I wasn’t picky with the color. Not a single one of them would verify information over email even when that was provided as an option. Several required I come in person to verify anything. I

I’ve been informed over the years that language involves based on usage.

Don’t forget: “Previous domestic violence arrests and convictions. Looking for someone passionate about law and order and holding people responsible for their crimes.”

That AirPix is a product that should be avoided like the plague. The company crowdfunded the toy through Indiegogo. They promptly dicked over their backers and didn’t send out the promised perks. 2 years after their promised release date they finally shipped a few dozen (out of 15k) and the reviews are abysmal. The

That AirPix is a product that should be avoided like the plague. The company crowdfunded the toy through Indiegogo.

“Your honor, I’m aware that since I allegedly was caught cheating on her, she filed for divorce.  But I still believe that until you rule on that, I should still be able to fuck her.”

You mean the spoiled “artistic” kids who agreed to pay rent and then got pissy when the owners came along and said either pay the rent you’ve owed us for a year or start working it off? The ones who refused to pay for the heat but had money to go out to the Kitt Kat Club? Alternatively in the words of Ben Folds,

For the people who back Apple here, I wonder if they’d feel the same towards macOS if tomorrow Apple cut off all distribution channels outside of their own store and took the same 30% cut.

Apple built the mall. They provide the electricity, security guards, food court, merry-go-round, and all the other things that people come to see for all the business that want to use their services to make money. All they ask for is a cut of what you make and Epic knew how much that cut was when they moved in.  And

Maybe it is the way I was taught the text, but I would think that political correctness would find support in the themes of the book.

You mean when I take the game off pause the PS5 will give me an extra 59 FPS?  Sign me up!

Who uses an ultra ball on a Magikarp? Pfft. She should dump his wasteful ass.

How close was he to collecting an EGOT?  He went the distance to make it a REGOT...

Considering you refer to “rape” as an “incident,” I suspect you care less about the loss of multiple lives than you are trying to portray.

“It’s okay if a black man rapes someone, just once. Because white people have raped people.”

He didn’t say he was “celebrating”.  If you don’t know the difference between being happy that someone is dead and not being sad that they’re gone, then you’re the kind of person that has danced on someone’s grave before.

“However, the lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people...”

“imagine your brain processing that simple task...”

I feel for you and wish nothing but the best for you, but forcing curmudgeonly socially-backwards emotional potatoes to eat things like facts, truth, and empathy only makes their misanthropic condition more severe.  Pete here might have a terminal case. 

Uh, Mr Aziz, I have someone here that is a little upset that you are offended at being called her name.