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    I'm from the area too. I find myself kind of embarrassed any time this incident gets national attention.

    Thank you. It was rough for a while but we all made it through okay.

    My grandfather killed himself 5 years ago. The why of it was never an issue for me or my dad, as depression and anxiety what I like to call "the family heirloom." But it was still sudden, violent, and surreal. The worst was how much it fucked up my dad for awhile, as he was brought to identify the body where it

    Polyandry does happen, rarely, from what I learned in a class I took in college. It's different from polygamy in that it's multiple men (often brothers) lording it over one woman as opposed to one man lording it over multiple women.

    I read an interview with Theo Rossi recently and he was going on about Sutter being a "genius" and I wanted to puke even more than I usually do when the cast talks like that because this was AFTER his character had been subjected to repeated gratuitous prison rapes.

    I remember what you're talking about but I'm pretty sure it was Luann and not Wendy.

    I was chanting "do it! do it! do it!" the whole time. And then when he did it, I cheered loudly. I'm surprised I didn't wake anyone else in the house with how loud I was. I've never hated a character that much.

    Under normal circumstances that would bother me but honestly I've grown to hate her so much and I was really starting to worry that she'd somehow make it out alive, so all I care about is that she died. How she died doesn't even matter.

    I think that he can get by fine as long as people don't actually know how he really speaks. I didn't start hearing the slips in his fake accent until I'd heard him speak in his normal accent.

    The fact that Barney and Robin ended up divorced ruined the whole final season for me. I was mad that we spent an entire season on their wedding only for them to be like "whelp, we're divorced now!" I've decided that my ideal version of the show would be that Robin was the mother, which we would've found out

    I feel like many scenes lasted twice as long as they needed to, like they were dragging them out as much as possible. I could leave the room to go to the bathroom and whoever was talking when I left still wouldn't have finished their sentence by the time I got back.

    I think was a scene in season 4 where Tara said that she made enough that
    they could leave Charming and not worry about money and Jax said that he
    wanted to make money with the cartel shit before he left because he had
    very low income potential outside of the club and wouldn't "live off"
    his wife

    the episode where opie shot clay

    I was just watching the very first episode the other day and when they found out that Abel had the heart condition, Gemma mentioned that Jax was actually born with it, too. I don't think that's ever come up again, though.

    I can't stand it when anyone suggests that Gemma actually cares about her family beyond their utility to Gemma. If she gave one single shit about her family as people instead of as things that she thinks belong to her, she wouldn't keep doing things that hurt them but also have really convenient consequences like