Elon and Ronan Farrow should form a support group.
Elon and Ronan Farrow should form a support group.
I think it was the Time cover/similar levels of media that made them realize that Aaliyah Eastmond was getting cut out of media portrayal and they have been trying to signal boost her without putting her life in danger.
As a gay black man, i am mad or don’t have any sympathy for Timothy “TS Madison” Hinton. She let her (Khia) use homophobic slurs in her company then tried to sanitize her statements by saying “blouse”, etc. I hate that Ts and khia constantly insinuated feminine men were gay. I disliked the fact that TS and Khia made…
Girl acting gay men are not women’s friends. They have to hang out with women who don’t have any friends because no one else including straight acting gay men want to be around their shallow nonsense. Women don’t need men, gay or straight to tell them how to dress, act or wear makeup. Women who have mostly gay friends…
Neither does being gay and having friends who are women make you not misogynistic.
Exactly. Some of the misogynoir and threatened violence I’ve seen on FB and Twitter when trans topics come up are astounding. And using Khia’s ridiculous ass as an example of a systematic issue between straight black women and queer people is a reach. Black women are usually the ones screaming loudest for LGBTQ…
Yep, seen plenty of Gay Men who think being Gay gives them a get out of jail card for being “bitchy” and misogynistic because at least they’re not shagging those “icky sluts, oh relax honey I don’t mean it”.
As to why Madison didn’t object to slurs about trans and queer people; didn’t she have a long rant video that she didn’t have a problem with the word tranny because her game was so tight she never got clocked as trans. I found both of those women to be problematic.
I’ve actually written about it with screenshots. My personal experience is a black transwoman, who I’ve protected and fought for, had the audacity to call me transphobic when I said that we weren’t the same. We aren’t and that’s ok. She said that because I told her that there are experiences that she has never had…
Puhleeeeze, what love? It has never been love, it has been access and cache- on all sides. It can be useful to have a “friend” in a community that isn’t your own, but I have rarely seen mutual respect. As a Black bisexual female, I’ve seen the ugly for a long ass time. Every part of the equation should know better,…
That’s a two way street. And let’s not get it twisted and pretend that transwomen and gay men have not been equally toxic to black women. I have a shitload of screenshots if you need them.
to take a goddamn pill every day
Perhaps a married couple would find a male birth control helpful if the wife couldn’t use BC for some reason. Etc. Plenty of applications for this.
Yea, Ive read the opposite. I think a lot of men would be very interested. Pretty much every male celebrity would do it. Not to sound like an ass, but it would put a lot of women who survive off of having rich mens babies and collecting support in some serious trouble.
Probably for the best.
If men and women both had full reproductive control I suspect the birth rates would really tank virtually overnight.
I don’t think anyone is saying it won’t be useful, there are plenty of women who can’t take birth control or men who want to have more control over their reproductive organs. The issue is that it’s just not getting funding or interest because reproduction is seen as a “woman’s problem.”
This is exactly it. No one actually cares about Dreamers. No one actually cares about gun control. They’re both in-the-moment issues that people care about when they get covered, but then lose interest in immediately afterward. The list of other examples of these issues includes literally every issue in our current…
*Because they thought the public would support them.*