
People think you’re condoning it because there’s literally no other logical reason to bring it up. Like, if you think pedophilia or slavery is bad, why bring up the past examples of when those things were socially acceptable? What point are you trying to make here?

Ironically, the leading cause of death among young girls during the middle ages was... childbirth. They would theoretically have lived significantly longer otherwise had they been permitted to mature into an age that was safer for childbirth.

Sure, Romans had slaves, but most treated their slaves better than many modern corporations treat their employees nowadays.

Dude, you are literally defending institutional slavery in an attempt to point out that a mini-game about molesting children isn’t that bad.

In what way did Romans treat slaves(People who are owned as property and cannot leave under their own free will); better than people employed at companies? I mean I know you’re just saying that to make a point but that’s just not true on its face.

Alright, let’s break down this crazy logic train.

Found ‘that guy.’

I agree that it takes no talent to “use Google.” Respectfully, though, I think it is a talent when I can make Google spit out the name of the book my teacher read to us in third grade or find Cole Haan boots that were discontinued six years ago for my husband. That’s Google-fu.

Are there multiple people who play the actress Alicia Vikander who only look vaguely similar? Like the Olsen quadruplets. Because every time I see a picture of someone claiming to be Alicia Vikander it’s never the same as the last one I saw.

You know what’s so weird? His great-grandfather Armand Hammer, who he’s named for, was a major owner of Arm & Hammer. But the name is totally unrelated!

When you’re in line to inherit something from Armand Hammer, you don’t fuck around. (Armie Hammer was born in 1986; Armand Hammer died in 1990. Staying in good with the old man could move the inheritance needle by millions.) 

Foreskin skin grafts are a thing, but yeah...idk how one can leap from “legit medical use” to “maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s BabyPeen!”

Seeing a black woman hate on Bruno Mars while using a Japanese handle that means “I love you” should be a textbook example of the word irony.

I hate that we’re even having this conversation. Miley Cirus and Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato and Katy Perry got away with actual appropriation. Miley might’ve been the worst offender in the history of mankind. She took from the culture, made it look like absolute trash, and then walked away from it when she got

I think the Bruno Mars conversation is also due to the fact that he’s a easy target partly due to the fact that he is a person of color. The people who go on these long diatribes on him, seem to be silent when faced with post malone or Gerald ( G - Eazy) who are actual offenders, but shrug.

“... principal Andrew Jackson...”

Kristen Wiig has always left me cold - I’ve never been drawn to her work. She seems very one-dimensional to me. However in a weird way, I’m glad she’s been cast in such an interesting role in a strong franchise. Maybe this time, I’ll get to see what everyone sees (and I’ve been missing).

I kind of wonder if, while dashing this off, you thought most people reading it would think you were describing a scene where anyone else in the room would look bad, other than a person who would write such a long, whiny, self-serving post.

It took a lot of scrolling but I finally found someone saying Rich was in the right here, and you don’t appear to be sarcastic about it.

Rich is flamboyantly gay, so that makes it OK, I guess?