Regular season begins in March and ends in October
Regular season begins in March and ends in October
One of the issues Austin is trying to address involves excessive daytime heat. They are proposing that games start at 8 pm.
Yeah, I’m not going to waste my time reading this.
Facing the blast and the moon and the math
But you still never know where your soul is attached
Not a Packers fan but the family didn’t appear to be looking for attention. The NY Times approached them. If you read the article (heaven forbid), the father is clearly reluctant to discuss the estrangement.
She’s is the Steven Seagal of pop singers.
So they really suck but somehow win. But still suck. Fuck you.
Drew Wolitarsky might want to see if Brock Turner’s Dad is hiring.
Really wish I could block your silly comments. Your observations are not remotely insightful or interesting at this point.
Nice job holding down the Deadspin fort today.
When will someone dope slap Matt Lauer?
Are you “Jackie’?