Ohio Belle

Your last sentence is childish.   One can certainly care about other people, volunteer hundreds of hours per year for their community, donate thousands of dollars and yet still care how our government spends our money. 

“Property is inanimate. It doesn’t breathe, it doesn’t have hopes, dreams, or mouths to feed.” I disagree. When I was young, my grandmother owned a fabric shop in the Hough area of Cleveland. The store had been in her family for generations. The riots in 1966 occurred and her store got burned to the ground. This was

Warren’s perpetual “pick me...pick me”....raising her hand was annoying.

Its entirely possible that some young 20's something staffer at Facebook may not have seen some 50 year old picture, no matter how iconic it was.

I am a direct descendant of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, whom was quite the feminist.....I am sure glad she didn’t stay a virgin.

Ryan Lochte is a 32 year old man who is still lying to his mother on where he spent his evening......sorry.....but what a pussy.

Oh Really? I would suggest that Jennifer Lawrence, a known box office draw, could make a couple of flops and she would still be a hot commodity.

I hate with a passion all of these public proposals of marriage. I hate them at baseball games, I hate them in the middle of a restaurant, and I hate them on a TV event.

I am a swimming official here in Ohio at both the High School, college and USA swimming level. Coaches that scream and gesticulate and run along the deck shouting at their swimmers are really frowned upon. For one it is totally useless because the swimmer cannot hear you and two it makes it much harder for the

Folks....the court simply issued a stay meaning that the decision of the lower court does not go into affect until the Supreme Court decides whether it will hear the case. If they hear the case then their final decision will decide. If they elect not to hear the case, the stay will lift and the appeals court ruling

Oh my....you can’t be serious. In Scalia’s dissent he never once uses the word Obama. He occasionally refers to the President’s policies regarding states rights and immigration. It was honest judicial debate. Nothing close to saying you will moved to New Zealand if someone is elected. Try actually reading the dissent

Please link or show one instance where Justice Scalia criticized a Presidential candidate during an election?

So I suppose that everyone here is an expert on evidentiary law? It is seriously complicated and designed to ensure that a defendant gets a fair trial and it reduces the likelihood of a mistrial or being overruled by a higher court.

Many years ago my husband and I were at a zoo with our two kids ages 3 and 5. We were pointing out something in one of the cages to our daughter. My husband felt a tugging of his shirt sleeve and looked down and a little girl told him, "mister your boy ran off." We looked up and our 3 year old was a 100 yards away

Oh please....if this had been a female judge and a male attorney we would all be cheering her on and accusing the attorney of "mansplaning." Lets not be hypocrites here.....when the judge says stop speaking, you stop speaking.