Women value nothing but themselves. Anytime a male can lower a woman’s value in herself he should do it.
Women value nothing but themselves. Anytime a male can lower a woman’s value in herself he should do it.
Admit it you trashy cunt, you wanted it. You weren’t raped, you’re only writing this because you’re a 41 year old failure trying to get some article views.
It’s a male, get the fuck over it and get over your bullshit fantasies. Perhaps we need to do what Iranians do to their fags, hang them from cranes.
Shut the fuck up nigger, you’re to only speak when given permission to.
They got a burial they didn’t deserve, niggers should be left to rot in the open as a warning.
Nice job trying to avoid reality, faggot. Don’t worry, they’re only niggers; they’re lower than animals.
Am I supposed to care? It’s just a nigger.
So some worthless unemployed faggot can have internet bragging rights. Having seen speed runners on twitch it is pretty astounding at how fucking pathetic they all are. And then they congregate at their yearly AGDQ scam to bilk money out of fucking idiots.
I hope the fucking thing spent its final moments in agonizing pain. I hope the mother had to witness its offspring mangled in the rocks while painfully drowning.
That really isn’t far from the actual truth though. Those women are money grubbing whores.
Yea, it’s a nigger.
Man, you liberals get more and more retarded by the day. It’s no wonder people believe you’re mentally ill.
Are you stupid fucks aware that shit can be hidden inside a turban? No matter the religious affiliation if yhe attendees the security has a job to do. You people are fucking retarded.
You’re a fat piece of shit that would never be in the shape to be in combat.
I would sooner shoot a female in an infantry unit than I would go in to combat with one. It would spare us the trouble of having to carry her kit and the trouble of covering her sectors due to her breaking down under duress.
Care to prove them wrong? Women are weak willed and weak minded. They are emotions pieces of shit that don’t belong anywhere in the military.
Don’t worry, we don’t give a shit what faggots like you think. We will keep accepting your tax dollars though while laughing at how fucking stupid civilians are. None of us signed up to fight for you at all.
You’re talking to a liberal fuckwitted piece of garbage. Of course it’s irresponsible with its money.
Hey faggot, Gawker might want to worry about the $100 million you worthless fucks have to give Hulk Hogan before you pay people to carry out bullshit you’re too pussy to do.
Why should we ever stop being racist? Shitskins deserve nothing but our boots on their throats.