Cry more you whiny faggot, being a racist is being a realist.
Cry more you whiny faggot, being a racist is being a realist.
You act like there’s a problem with hating Islam. What’s it like avoiding reality?
If it ever engineers anything it will most likely be a suicide vest. Hopefully the nigger tests it on itself.
It’s a shame no one carried them out before the sand niggers left.
They won’t, they enjoy fellating niggers too much.
Someday we’ll say there are too many liberals floating around, then maybe we’ll finally purge the nation of degeneracy.
All niggers deserve to be executed.
They should have killed him, the fucking muj deserved it.
You aren’t a journalist, faggot. You’re a political mouthpiece, this is confirmed by kotaku not getting the axe by Gawker during the restructuring in becoming geared towards politics. Don’t even attempt to hide what you are you stupid fuck.
Hopefully the nigger faggot at Giant Bomb applies so you worthless fucks can free them of him.
Let the niggers riot, it just gives people more reason to euthanize the animals.
You can feel free to kill yourself when Bernie crashes and burns. I look forward to your inevitable death. The niggers at thus university are staging false flags, anyone with any intelligence can see that from a mile away.
It’s a shame the fucking libelous cunt doesn’t kill itself.
Why? That was a great episode, gamer gate won and the trashy cunt was forced out of the business.
The cunt deserves every bit of harassment it receives.
When it comes to morality you fucking idiots have none. You work under Gawker and are subject to them. I cannot wait for the whole thing to come crashing down.
Yes, we should. At this point the only solution is physical punishment. The fucking niggers don’t learn a lesson any other way.
I’ll laugh at the day your nigger offspring gets belligerent and violent with a police officer and gets ventilated. The sooner the better.
You mean a nigger game with a nigger in charge of the studio completely fucked up? Gee, what a fucking surprise.
You could apply that concept to anyone who claims to have been raped. It’s a false crime made up by women who regret their decisions.