
People nowadays cannot take any criticism. If it were up to me most people would be beaten within an inch of their lives and forced to fend for themselves so that they can get a grasp on reality.

Hate speech is free speech, get over it you worthless faggot. People like you need their faces shoved into their shit.

It isn’t rape though, and you’re a fucking idiot for believing otherwise. Rape is a false crime that women made up to make amends for decisions they regret.

Typical nigger behavior

What’s it like being an insufferable faggot?

Patrick do you ever not look like an insufferable faggot?

And Klepek still appears to be as big a faggot as ever.

There’s nothing to converse about, it says “shall not be infringed” in the Constitution. Get over it you whiny faggot.

So if I drive a distance from home with my rifle and ammo I have malicious intent?

No it isn't

The truth is that the cunt is lying about the abuse.

So you’re counseling women on how to lie about being raped? I guarantee you that practically all of them just regret their decisions because women are too fucking stupid to think of consequences.

Any white person that shows compassion to niggers should be lynched along with the animals he cares for.

As a woman the only list you should be worried about is the grocery list, you vapid cunt.

I think niggers should get shot for being niggers.

So idiots got scammed out of their money again? How cute of them to donate to a bunch of autists and the organization responsible for the worldwide spread of Ebola.

If you’re this emotionally invested in a fictional character you need to institutionalized for the remainder of your life, you are a worthless fucking slag.

They all fucked him, willingly. Get over it you worthless slag.

You weren’t raped, you just regretted a decision you made. Fuck off you stupid cunt.

It’s a bullshit image to get emotionally dimwitted pieces of shit like you to respond.