They are doing it for the attention, they had all these years to come forward and create false accusations. Fuck them, if he took advantage of them they deserved it. Rape is a false crime made up by sluts who regret their decisions.
They are doing it for the attention, they had all these years to come forward and create false accusations. Fuck them, if he took advantage of them they deserved it. Rape is a false crime made up by sluts who regret their decisions.
Compassion is unnecessary when it’s just a nigger.
It owed nearly $8000 to the state, the fucking nigger should have been behind bars any way. I hope the family is forced to pay its debts.
Get over it faggot, the dumb nigger killed itself.
What’s it like being such a pussy faggot that you’ll side with niggers and criminals?
Go fuck yourself Luke, I’ll do whatever I wish to do with my money. Quit being an insufferable little faggot, I look forward to the day Hogan destroys Gawker and your shitty little union.
Shame we don’t get more games where we kill niggers and spics.
The faggot probably has the HIV.
You bring it upon yourselves, women are disgusting liars and whores. You’re the cause for crimes of passion and the ones who falsely cry rape.
They aren’t women you stupid cunt.
Suicide is a crime you stupid cunt. No sympathy for the little bitch falling on the highway, I hope she suffered.
So you’re some faggot wasting its money on what should have been a failed project. It didn’t meet its goal before and it should have never gotten a second chance.
We’re talking about a nigger run government, that’s the reason.
The dumb nigger killed itself when it chimped out in the back of the vehicle. It isn’t a loss in any way whatsoever, the nigger deserved to die regardless of how it happened.
Are you faggots this fucking stupid that you can’t read simple instructions?