
read it, too, desperately want to write it off as conspiracy theory hysteria...but i also can easily imagine trump and his circle doing all these things. i’m keeping my eye on mattis. all the talk of the ban and every other EO is a crucial discussion we need to have, but a big part of me thinks it’s all a distraction

i read this last night, after watching Trevor Noah’s bit on “Trump’s Reality” and my worry turned in to full-on alarm. Because no matter the author or the site or even the details of the piece, i had no problem picturing Trump and his circle doing all those things. Then I looked at NYT and saw that he’d fired the

this 4evah.

this is gorgeous and perfectly articulated and i’m memorizing it. thank you.

I don’t mind the hats, bright pink will pop in a big crowd, in big wide shots. But guys, if we’re looking for a great symbol to reclaim our power, something that will instantly get noticed, be taken seriously by our allies AND our enemies, may I suggest a giant American flag? May I suggest a ton of American flags?

I’m all for this, it’s great, i say go for it - but the most powerful image trump voters could see of this march is a massive crowd waving a shit ton of big-ass American flags. The GOP ran off with the flag years ago and it’s time progressives reclaim it. WE are American, this march is American, our values and goals