“They’re just kids.”
“They’re just kids.”
That homonym is just too convenient.
Everything seems to be in order.
I was 90% sure that wasn’t a new colloquialism I wasn’t privy to, but my brain refused to find the correction.
the Phoenix Suns are incredibly awful
They have 2 wins against the Giants and Cards. 1 of 3 will do them in just fine.
Pretty much this. His substance abuse is well-documented, doesn’t make for a good combo with a pretty quirky chick (I still don’t quite understand her deal).
Not a “lone” protester.
It’s reverse psychology. And also reverse-reverse-reverse psychology.
Just waiting on confirmation that these are white shenanigans that serve primarily white folk. If they want to surcharge their own under the guise of an upscale product, more power to them.
See this is what football is all about, none of that political crap, just good clean competitive racism.
No one thinks you’re demons, just sad and self-absorbed if you can’t identify with a POC character. White Hollywood default treats you like a bottom-feeding moron, take it up with them.
Ah, the judgey Asian parents/friends. I have two words: fuck em.
The problem with DJ’s popularity is not his size, his fighting style, his perceived lack of star power, or his dominance. It’s not even a lack of talented contenders.
I recently ate Taco Bell for the first time in a long time and did not get the Taco Bell shits afterward, so I think I’m immortal now.
Body switched, same Rick. Switched Morty is TBD.
There are 7.5 billion people in the world. Of that number, fewer than 3,000 people are considered good enough to play in the NFL
Can we talk about him dedicating a trophy he didn’t fucking win? At this point it seems this fucker sees any award and he automatically assumes it’s for him. Like maybe if someone gave him a plaque with “Number 1 Prez” on it, he’d stop having those dumbass rallies already.
Footballers dun always word good.