
It’s also worth noting that the original article cites a grand total of two children who became malnourished, which is still shitty, obviously, but it’s not as though this is something that happens left and right.

Of course there are some people who don’t do their research, but for my part I’ve come across a lot more people who assume a lot of vegans don’t know what they’re doing than I have actual vegans who don’t know what they’re doing. It’s also very much worth noting that it’s really not that hard to get what your body

Parents make choices for their kids and direct them to certain values all the time though. I don’t see how raising children as vegans is any different than raising them to not hit when they’re angry or choose an apple over a bag of chips. For most vegans it’s a moral choice, and they’re only doing what every other

It’s actually not that much harder to get what you need from a vegan diet than it is from a vegetarian one. The appropriate research should be done, of course, but it’s totally doable.

Because legality and morality are two wildly different things.

Serious. I love South Park, even now that in an “adult” or whatever), but it can be frustrating when scads of douchebags don’t realize that they’re the ones being spoofed on. Like, they know Cartman is the joke, not the gist, right?

Honestly I was imagining it pronounced as “Camp Douche” and that was as far as I could get.
I like “Damp Kush” better, though.
For this article and for real life.

“We are such trash” = how everyone should feel in the presence of Misty Copeland

Ugh, I live in fear of the massive engagement ring coming my way. My grandmother had the stones from multiple family rings combined. In platinum. The thought of wearing that much money makes me want to vomit, but she’s made it clear-in that ever so subtle way intensely religious grandmothers have of hinting about

My sister once asked me to help get create one of these disasters.

“None. I have never claimed to be a “feminist” or “the boy next door.” As always, I have claimed to be nothing other than a simple guy who likes to eat, sleep, and watch TV, who also bangs chicks for a living. I am not politically correct nor do I particularly care if people disagree with me.”

Try this instead.


So I noticed. Holy moly.

I feel like my life would be better if I had a stack of those awards already filled out with me at all times.

So both, then?

Sincere question:

Care to explain the difference?

"the global one percent" and "the one percent" convey the same meaning...

"Yes and you're using a computer and accessing the internet so you're right here in the global 1% with the rest of us ..."