Oh Hai Internet

Even though I haven't listened to them in awhile, I don't have any problem calling Titus one of my favorite bands ever

I've been getting into black metal lately, which is honestly a sentence I never thought I'd say. All I know is I've been a sucker for walls of sound, Deafheaven, and long songs for awhile, so I guess that just clicks with me. Serious question, though: I've been mentally debating getting into some… shall we say

Just from growing up and seeing it snow less and less, I can tell it's happening without any science degrees. Thanks assholes who wanted to shake up the system. I really try to be optimistic, but I just can't see this getting better at all.

The first act is somehow even worse than the rest of the movie. It pissed me off so much that Will Jr. (if this were a better movie I'd google his name) freeing his dad's curse is essentially his entire motivation, but Orlando Bloom isn't even in the movie for five minutes.

Technically last weekend, but can I just talk about how fucking awful the new Pirates movie is? I doubt anything could've prepared me for it being two hours worth of exposition and the (at least) twenty times I whispered "Fuck this movie" into my friend's ear. I didn't expect it to be great, but being a kid when the

I started Master of None and it's okay I guess. Aziz is funny but sometimes I feel like I'm watching an infomercial on culture and society more than I am an actual show with characters I'm supposed to be invested in. It definitely breaks the "show, don't tell" rule of storytelling way too much for me if that makes

I can see that. To be fair though, "advanced studies in Shakeyology" from a fucked up Neil Young could be a lot of his records from that time.

On the Beach just crushes me every time I hear it. I probably listen to the last three tracks together at least once a day.

You really can't go wrong with anything in their discography. I'll never not have a crush on Corin Tucker and her voice

I'm still riding high on 70's Neil Young, especially On the Beach and Tonight's the Night. I haven't listened to Time Fades Away and completed the Ditch trilogy yet though. I'm not normally heavily into classic rock, but he's probably my favorite artist right now. Fucking nobody wrote records like him. I also really

Neil Young - "Like a Hurricane"

I'm about halfway through Blood Meridian. It's weighty and epic as far as 300 page books go, but I love it so far. I tried reading it last year and gave up 100 pages through because I felt like I missed so much. Second time's the charm.

On Blood Meridian right now. Not even 50 pages in and it's beautifully written and the Judge is a motherfucker.

The Thunderbolt picture that ended up on the 1st Red House Painters self titled is probably my favorite thing ever

I've kind of been in a dark place lately, so I haven't really tried to do much other than listen to music. Definitely been listening to more metal than I normally do, since I've been playing bands like Isis, Deafheaven, Slayer, and Mastodon in pretty heavy rotation. I'm not much of a metal head, so it's kind of an

I've been listening to the The Wrens' Meadowlands non-stop for anout a month now. Part of me feels to young to relate to it, but it's been on heavy rotation for a kind of emotionally dark few weeks.

I wonder how many Reddit upvotes a Darwin award gets you

I kind of heard about that from other people, but I'm out of town right now so it's all been vague and scattered. Glad that (apparently) nobody else got hurt.

My first fling (first love, semi-relationship, friend-couple thing???) just came to an end, so I've felt better. I've mostly been going back to my first love: music.

People actually like Motley Crue?