Oh Hai Internet

Oh yeah.. I forgot about that!

Some of the ideas Tommy had for the Room were ridiculous, like he actually thought about making Johnny a vampire as a plot twist. He also flipped his shit when anyone else wanted to change the script (For example, when Mark tells the story about the hospital, the part about Guerrero Street was improvised. It was such

I'd love to try working to Trem Two by Mission of Burma. Just pure sonic bliss.

I take that back. Marquee Moon all the way.

I usually go for something long so I don't have to change sides or put on another album as much. Something like The Monitor or Zen Arcade (also pretty killer catharsis albums). That being said, I can pretty much listen to anything as long as I actually like it.

It seems to me like you're the expert AV Club.

Yeah, he was the one who really got me into good music. I told him how bored I was with the bands I used to like. So, when I woke up, I found all his CDs in my room (early R.E.M., The Clash, Husker Du). Haha, what a story. Then that led me to Patti Smith and the VU. VH and Leppard haven't aged all that well, and I

Haha, they must be into that whole Yale thing. Oh hai Paul Allen!

They aren't putting the vinyls on??? I just started buying vinyl, and I need to buy my Replacements albums again before I go to college (they're my dad's). They betray me, they didn't keep their promise, they trick me and I don't care anymore.

The Room didn't take 12 years to shoot. You just a chicken Richard, cheep-cheep-cheep! I kill you bastard!

Haha, Pretty Va-cunt! What a story treatment.

Haha, what a wonderful opportunity to laugh at more unfunny things.

"How much did it cost?"

The Alien movie could suck? I'm fed up with this world!

Dude I love the Replacements. I would do anything for my band.

Chrissie you shoudn't have any secrets from me!

I wish there was a festival that wasn't about the money, something that could've been out of Our Band Could Be Your Life. Something completely about the music instead of petty commercialism. If a lot of people love the music, the world will be a better place to live.

Revelations, I'd imagine, has something to do with the Macauly Culkin's Pizza Underground, the biggest insult of all time. The only worse idea I could come up with was a Husker Du cover band that sings songs about Mountain Dew.

If there was an afterlife, I would love it if it was San Francisco from the Room.

Old England from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.