Oh Hai Internet

I swore Craig Finn said the same thing about Morrison.

I didn't think it was possible, but somehow Fred thought of even worse names. Although, to his credit, he didn't use them. It shows that he maybe has a sliver of intelligence.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

"Everything is fucked
Everyone sucks"
Wow. Truely lyricism at its finest.

I don't care about U2, but frankly, I'm more concerned that you pay enough attention to Train to even know the title to one of their songs.

Anyone who defends Limp Bizkit should look up how they got their name. If you don't cringe, you're not human.

I can't believe there was ever a dark time in our species's history where LB were relevant.

I think Fight Cub is the only movie allowed to use "Where Is My Mind?"

To quote Mission of Burma, "I'm not your Academy."

Nothing before 2005? Are you suggesting Batman and Robin wasn't worthy of the highest award in the film industry? *In Arnie voice* Talk about the cold shoulder. But seriously, if the Academy had a category for Best Bad Movie, my life would be complete.

He sure looks funny, that's Montgomery Clift honey!

As much as ending the Report sucked, now Stephen can grow his beard. With it, possibilities really are endless now. He can be a wizard like Gandalf or join ZZ Top.

Ooh.. watching the Python Inquisition skit in person would've been pretty epic. I know you're talking about something different, but still.

You sir have just made my day, and probably my entire life. Thanks

What's the one where he just shouts "FUCK MEXICO!"?

The part of The Producers where they play Springtime for Hitler.

I forgot about that movie, which is wierd because The Room's pretty much my favorite movie. I have a soft spot in my heart for terrible movies, just because I love knowing that everything they do is wrong.

Haha, that's the idea!

Ooh that's right!

The scene in American Psycho where Patrick Bateman kills Paul Allen to "Hip To Be Square".