Oh Goody Goody


Eyes shot: the serif!

Eyes shot: the serif!

Should we start cracking open heads for their gooey innards?

Should we start cracking open heads for their gooey innards?

“I see it—coming here—hell-wind—titan blur—black wings—Yog-Sothoth save me—the three-lobed burning eye. . . .”

“I see it—coming here—hell-wind—titan blur—black wings—Yog-Sothoth save me—the three-lobed burning eye. . . .”

“I see it—coming here—hell-wind—titan blur—black wings—Yog-Sothoth save me—the three-lobed burning eye. . . .”

My god. It's full of stars

My god. It's full of stars

Tell Mr. Burns to go suck an egg.

Tell Mr. Burns to go suck an egg.

I love you Dr Zaius!!!!

I love you Dr Zaius!!!!

Shoplifting!s a type of shopping, so yes, I shop at Whole Foods.

2537 comments, 9041 upvotes

Charcoal scribbles on the walls of caves?

Getting laid?

If you want a long, overly detailed conversation about gradations in products, talk to guys at a firing range especially those that hand load. You'll dream of the day you got stuck behind two hipsters debating handmade artisanal soaps at the Whole Foods checkout.

I may be drowning my pre-Kinja sorrows in horchata flavored rum. You are correct and I doff my feathered hat in your esteemed direction.